Academy of Astrology Japan

シチュ―はどんな味? アストロロジーで扱う恒星

クリスチャン・コノグ著  咲耶まゆみ
By Christian Koenig  Translated by Mayumi Sakuya

English text to follow.









©2018 MAAYA占星術













レノンの月は沢山の恒星とつながっています。例えば、月とアルシオネ。「人生の暗い側面への洞察。洞察力と神秘主義の才能があるが、両者は人間の性質の最高と最悪の面との遭遇につながる」。アルシオネ(エタ・タウリ)はプレアデスの一番明るい星です。アルシオネとの強い繋がりのある出生図は、内面の知識と神秘的な気づきを求める人を象徴します。この欲求は、受容的な恒星ミラシュ(ベタ・アンドロメダ)と関係しています。レノンの月は、集合的課題のために戦う欲求は持ちません(アリのように)。彼の月は、彼の音楽(ミラシュ)に対する情熱(冥王星とオポジション)を表し、彼は内面の英知と神秘的な洞察(アルシオネ)を得て、平和を求める気持ち(ミラシュ)を表現するために音楽を使います。「ビートルマニア」全盛期になると、レノンは高級車には興味を持ちませんでした。彼は伝統から外れたスピリチュアルな哲学を探求し、神秘的な気づきに到達するためにドラッグも使いました。レノンの1週間のヨーコ・オノとの「ベッドイン(1969年に行われたジョン・レノンとオノ・ヨーコによる「平和活動パフォーマンス」)は、明らかな平和への社会的メッセージでした(水瓶座月と恒星ミラシュ)。彼の歌「Give Peace a Chance(平和を我らに)」と「イマジン」はいつまでも私たちの記憶に留まっています。


©2018 MAAYA占星術





How’s the stew taste? Fixed stars in astrology

by Christian Koenig


When we interpret planets, we refer to superordinate collective patterns and infer – through the art of astrology – how an individual integrates these collective patterns into his life. For example, a Mercury-Pluto combination symbolizes a pattern of mental intensity – but with an enormous range of human expressiveness: from keen observation to neurotic fixed ideas.

While the astrologer carefully collects all the ingredients for his horoscopic stew and then throws everything into the synthesis-pot – aspects, planets, signs, houses, dignities, … – he constantly asks himself how this individual composition will taste in the end. Each individual ingredient can be named concretely and described in its individual taste – but is there an ingredient that ultimately dominates the taste of the stew? Is there a harmonious overall taste? There will probably never be a hundred percent answer to this question, but perhaps we could see a little clearer if we divert our gaze away from just the ecliptic and look at the big context – the entire starry sky.



Planets are not only “wandering stars” that run through the zodiac with mathematical precision. They’re also connected with constellations and their mythological references, some of which are thousands of years old. Old gods do not die, but they have found shelter in trees and rivers, says the mythologist Sean Kane (1998). In terms of astrology, our trees and rivers are the stars and constellations that did not “die”, but we have stopped listening to them.

The following examples may illustrate why it makes sense to listening to them. The technique used (parans) was not invented by me, but rediscovered by the internationally renowned astrologer Bernadette Brady (2008). All star-planet interpretations are hers.


©2018 MAAYA占星術


Two well-known personalities of the 20th century – John Lennon and Muhammad Ali. Both have an Aquarius-Moon in opposition to Pluto. This can be a challenging aspect: an intellectual, independent Moon that seeks freedom, knowledge and group affiliation and does not value too deeply emotional involvement. At the same time the person experiences intense, passionate feelings again and again or has to deal with power and powerlessness issues in relationships – and it all starts with mother. Of course, the charts of Lennon and Ali are very different, but for now we are focusing only on the Aquarius-Moon in opposition to Pluto.


Muhammad Ali’s Moon is connected with the fixed star Hamal (Alpha Arietis) in the constellation Aries.



Brady writes: “To be a popular rogue. To challenge authority but in a way that is loved, or appreciated, by others.” His moon is passionate (opposing Pluto) about fighting (fixed star Hamal), but not wild and unruly, but socially accepted (Aquarius). We also know that at the height of his career Ali showed social awareness by publicly rejecting the Vietnam War and supporting the Afro-American emancipation movement. His Moon is also connected to the fixed star Menkar (Alpha Ceti) in the constellation Cetus, the whale. This star symbolizes the tides of the collective subconscious; in combination with the Moon (according to Brady): “Emotionally committed to, or responsive to, the needs of the collective. One’s actions have far reaching effects.”

Ali’s Pluto is connected with Alkes (Alpha Crateris) in the constellation Crater (the Cup). Pluto-Alkes: “A perpetual flame is lit, to remember fallen heroes.”. Memories of Ali’s inflammation of the Olympic fire in Atlanta in 1996 are awakened. This is a fighter (Hamal) and a socially conscious, passionate person who suddenly becomes a symbol for the collective (Menkar) – and by becoming this symbol he becomes a chalice from which “his people” can drink (Alkes).


John Lennon also had an Aquarius Moon in opposition to Pluto.



Lennon’s Moon has many fixed star connections. Here are a few examples: Moon-Alcyone: “Insightful into the darker side of life. A gift of insight and mysticism, but leading to encounters with both the best and the worst in human nature.” Moon-Mirach: “The peace-seeking artist; or a reflective, self absorbed individual.” Alcyone (Eta Tauri) is the brightest star of the Pleiades. Strong Alcyone contacts in a person’s chart symbolize someone seeking inner knowledge and mystical insights. This need is connected to the receptive star Mirach (Beta Andromedae). Lennon’s Moon has no need to fight for collective issues (like Ali). His moon is passionate (opposing Pluto) about his art (Mirach) and he uses art to gain inner knowledge and mystical insights (Alcyone) and to express his desire for peace (Mirach). At the height of “Beatlemania”, Lennon was not interested in fast cars; he explored alternative spiritual philosophies and used drugs to force mystical insights. Unforgotten was his one-week “Bed-In” with Yoko Ono to set a visible, social sign for peace (Aquarius Moon with Fixed Star Mirach). His songs “Give Peace a Chance” and “Imagine” are unforgettable.


©2018 MAAYA占星術


In both cases, the myths of the stars have not overwritten or watered down the Moon-Pluto-aspect of the chart, but have simply brought it to the point. The astrologer no longer faces a broad spectrum of interpretation and expression. The area in which the planetary theme shows itself and the way it constellates itself in the life of the person is clearly discernible. By including the entire celestial dome in the interpretation, we can reopen ourselves to the ancient myths and stories that our ancestors projected onto the sky. Because we were not only born with a birth chart, but also are a living part of the entire cosmos.


Brady, Bernadette (2008). Star and Planet Combinations. Bournemouth: Wessex Astrologer Ltd.
Kane, Sean (1998). The Wisdom of the Mythtellers. Peterborough, ON: Broadview Press Ltd.







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