Academy of Astrology Japan



Part 2

ブライアン・クラーク著  咲耶まゆみ
By Brian Clark    Translated by Mayumi Sakuya

English text to follow.



Karl Friedrich Schinkel – ウラヌスと星のダンス





年月日 度数
13 Feb 1988 29♐55
26 Jun 1988 28♐47
18 Oct 1988 27♐49




年月日 土星の度数 天王星の度数
18 Jul 1999 15♉36 15♒36逆
14 Nov 1999 13♉04逆 13♒04
13 May 2000 20♉45 20♒45



年月日 土星の度数 天王星の度数
5 Nov 2008 18♍57 18♓57逆
5 Feb 2009 20♍39逆 20♓39
15 Sep 2009 24♍42 24♓42逆
27 Apr 2010 28♍46逆 28♓46
27 Jul 2010 0♎25 0♈25逆




年月日 土星の度数 天王星の度数
18 Feb 2021 7♒13 7♉13
15 Jun 2021 13♒06逆 13♉06
24 Dec 2021 11♒05 11♉05逆



年月日 度数
28 Jun 2032 28♊01






“Space Traveller” Original Design by Seiko Kunieda and artwork by Astrocat Josephine








土星・天王星: タイタンの衝突




♄ 権威と保守主義


土星は統治者を象徴する。マンデン・アストロロジーでは「支配階級」または組織の統治機関(それが自治・選任陣営、独裁者、監督者、管理者であれ)。 そのため土星は社会が体験する自由と自己統制だ。土星は政府。政府機関は市民に秩序、安定、安心を与える。


·       国民の法執行に対する姿勢。法と秩序の必要性

·       大企業や政党のトップ等の権威的立場のリーダー

·       法執行機関

·       法の執行者としての警察(火星も)

·       政府の執行機関

·       時代遅れの手順や政策

·       政権、内閣、行政高官

·       国務長官、政府高官

·       高齢化問題

·       保守勢力、階層などの社会の保守的要素

·       文化の伝統

·       財閥、大企業

·       極端な天候。豪雪寒冷の冬、高温乾燥の夏。

·       建設業界、国立建築物

·       鉱業、地主、農業

♅ 反逆と自由思想




·       コミュニティの進展や変革への欲求

·       政治的激変や革命、クーデター、社会不安

·       不調和、経済的混乱や不安定さ、デモ、モラトリアム、ストライキ、動乱

·       旧秩序の崩壊、与党の転覆

·       テクノロジー、技術の進歩

·       インターネットとソーシャルメディアとそれらの文化、教育、社会への影響

·       医学の突破口と実験

·       国民の代表者。国会議員、上院議員、議会

·       サブカルチャー、反体制文化運動、慣習にとらわれない社会、カルト、派閥、社会の少数派

·       集団の中の個になる力、言論の自由、社会の中の自由

·       自然の激変。台風、ハリケーン、地震、稲光他、技術的大災害(例:飛行機墜落、タイタニック、スリーマイル島)

“When the Night Falls” Original Design by JPHAA and artwork by Astrocat Josephine




The Saturn – Uranus Cycle:

in consideration of its 2021 series of waning squares

Part 2

By Brian Clark

The Astrology of the Conjunction

Karl Friedrich Schinkel – Uranus and the Dance of the Stars

Our current cycle was seeded in 1988 in the last decan of Sagittarius. Let’s follow the cycle through its 44 years:


Saturn Conjunct Uranus

Date Zodiacal Degree
13 Feb 1988 29♐55
26 Jun 1988 28♐47
18 Oct 1988 27♐49

Saturn Waxing Square Uranus

Date Saturn Zodiacal Degree Uranus Zodiacal Degree
18 Jul 1999 15♉36 15♒36R
14 Nov 1999 13♉04R 13♒04
13 May 2000 20♉45 20♒45
2008/2009/2010Saturn Opposite


Date Saturn Zodiacal Degree Uranus Zodiacal Degree
5 Nov 2008 18♍57 18♓57R
5 Feb 2009 20♍39R 20♓39
15 Sep 2009 24♍42 24♓42R
27 Apr 2010 28♍46R 28♓46
27 Jul 2010 0♎25 0♈25R
2021 Date Saturn Zodiacal Degree Uranus Zodiacal Degree
18 Feb 2021 7♒13 7♉13
15 Jun 2021 13♒06R 13♉06
24 Dec 2021 11♒05 11♉05R
2032Saturn Conjunct Uranus Date Zodiacal Degree
28 Jun 2032 28♊01

Within 24 hours of the 13 Feb 1988 conjunction, Saturn slipped into Capricorn. Uranus followed two days later, joining Neptune already in the sign. An age of Capricorn followed with the 1989 Saturn/Neptune  conjunction and the 1993 Uranus/Neptune conjunction, both in Capricorn. Similarly, the waning square follows a time of Capricorn with Jupiter and Saturn having conjoined Pluto in this sign in  2020. After Jupiter and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius, they move to form squares with Uranus in Taurus. Jupiter forms the first square with Uranus on January 17, setting the stage for the Saturn-Uranus squares to follow.

Of interest, the Saturn/Uranus cycle repeats the waxing squares of Taurus and Aquarius in a mirror image; the fixed degrees of the 14 Nov 1999 square are now replicated in the waning square of 15 June 2021. The gap between the ideals and the reality is at its pressure point – the Earth can no longer bear the political  maneuvering. This time in the cycle suggests new reforms and new visions must be more pandemic, that is, more for the people.

The period following the 1988 conjunction chronicled many events synchronous with the symbols of the times, such as the fall of the Berlin Wall and the unification of Germany (1989), the release of Nelson Mandela and the beginning of dismantling apartheid (1990), the fracture of the Soviet Union (1991) and the restructuring of many European borders, such as Yugoslavia (1992).

This combination suggests innovative, revolutionary, radical and activist impulses begin to infiltrate existing structures and boundaries. In 1988 the USSR began its restructuring process to break down its harsh regime. After the 1987 Wall Street crash the world turned to promoting global trade while pressure built between Islam and the West; rumblings that reverberate through the cycle. Both Saturn and Uranus can be inflexible in action and opinion, fuelling the flames of insurgency, opting for control materially or scientifically. Hence Andre Barbault suggested this cycle was right-wing, essentially conservative and authoritarian, leaning towards capitalism.[i] In terms of the environment there can be a struggle between conservation and free enterprise. Gaia often roars her disapproval through earthquakes and natural disasters.

At the waxing square Nelson Mandela stepped down from office, while on the first day of the opposition Barack Obama won the American presidential election. A month after the waxing square a severe  earthquake in Turkey killed over 17,000 while in the midst of the opposition the deadliest earthquake so far of the 21st Century occurred in Haiti. Many more events can be linked through the cycle, but it is not the event that repeats, it is the symbol. As astrologers, how can we best reflect on the symbol, given the outer events to date?

“Space Traveller” Original Design by Seiko Kunieda and artwork by Astrocat Josephine

There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountaintop of our desires  (Nelson Mandela)

The 2021 Waning Squares

To look forward we look back at the unfolding of the cycle, which is always a subjective exercise, no matter how objective or impartial we are. We each have our biases and ways of seeing. Not being a political specialist I rely on the astrological symbol. Symbols link images through time. Events are not only literal episodes, but symbolic images that reflect the archetypal dialogue and ambience of the times.

Both the old and new rulers of Aquarius are at right angles, evoking an image that these two landlords need to rewrite the lease on their Aquarian homeplace in order to assure democratic and egalitarian rights. Uranus in Taurus brings ecological issues like pollution, global warming, climate change, plant and animal extinction etc. to the fore. It also addresses the changes necessary in policies and attitudes towards resources, monetary instability, economic equalities, tariffs, exchange and fiscal fairness. An overhaul of the political mindset with a systemic rather than a ruling approach to Gaia must be considered. The Earth, its resources and all living organisms on and in it are in the spotlight. The great mutation of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction initiates a focus from Earth to Air; synchronously the squares of the Saturn/Uranus cycle also reiterates the  earth/air theme. Time to consider new ways of thinking and actioning environmental and fiscal politics.

Following are some points to help us reflect on the potential interchange that the waning Saturn/Uranus squares may constellate:

SATURN / URANUS: The Clash of the Titans

Tradition and Convention


Modernization and Innovation

♄  Authority and Conservatism

Saturn symbolizes the governing body and the laws and structures that provide order, coherence, continuity, stability and security for the people and its elders, mentors and leaders. Saturn symbolizes the consensus reality of the group; therefore it is what the system not only dictates, but the values it accepts or rejects as being authentic and true for the organization.

Saturn symbolizes the one who rules; in mundane astrology it is the ‘ruling class’ or the controlling body of an organization, whether that is a self-governing or elected administration, a dictator, supervisor or manager. Therefore Saturn also implies the quality of freedom and self-regulation that the community experiences. Saturn is the government and its institutions that provide order, stability and security for its citizens. In worldly concerns it is connected with law and enforcement, leaders in positions of authority, the executive branch of the government, outdated procedures and policies, the aged, issues concerning the elderly, the conservative element as well as the traditions of the culture

·       The peoples’ attitude towards law and its enforcement; the need for law and order

·       The leaders in positions of authority such as corporate heads of large institutions and political parties

·       Law enforcement agencies

·       Police as law enforcers (also Mars)

·       Executive branch of the government

·       Outdated procedures and policies

·       The Administration, the Cabinet and Executive

·       Secretary of State and State officials

·       The aged and issues of the elderly

·       The conservative element in the society, the ‘old guard’, the hierarchy

·       Traditions of the culture

·       Conglomerates and big business

·       Severe extremes of weather  – snowy cold winters, hot dry summers

·       Construction industry, the nation’s buildings

·       Mining, landowners, farming

♅ Rebellion and Free-thinking

Uranus’ penchant for revolution, upheaval and change that breaks down outmoded, conservative structures also applies in mundane astrology. The planet’s discovery reflected its revolutionary theme, as its sighting by William Herschel synchronized with the time of the French, American and Industrial revolutions. Uranus propels the community forward, often through political unrest, technological innovations or a collective change of consciousness. Uranus is associated with community progress, free speech, political and economic upheaval, societal unrest, dissidence, volatility, strikes, riots, the collapse of the old order, technological advancements and their impact on society, medical discoveries, breakthroughs and experimentation, sub cultures, cults, sects, natural upheavals and technological disasters as noted below:

·       The need of the community to progress, to change

·       Political upheavals and revolutions, coups, societal unrest

·       Dissidence, economic disruption and volatility; protests, moratoriums, strikes, riots

·       The collapse of the old order, overthrow of the ruling party

·       Technology;  technological advancements

·       The internet and social media and their impact on culture, education and society

·       Medical breakthroughs and experimentation

·       Those who represent the people: legislators, senators, representatives of parliament, the House of Commons, Congress

·       Sub cultures, counter culture movements, alternate societies, cults, sects and marginal others within the community

·       The ability to be an individual in the group, free speech, the freedom in the society

·       Natural upheavals: typhoons, hurricanes, earthquakes, lightening and other major technological disasters (i.e. airplane crashes, Titanic, Three Mile Island)

“When the Night Falls” Original Design by JPHAA and artwork by Astrocat Josephine


[1] For instance, the pairings of the Saturn-Uranus conjunctions since 1124 have been:

1124/5 in Virgo; 1172 in Pisces                       1215/16 in Libra; 1262 in Aries

1306/7 in Scorpio; 1352 in Taurus      1398 in Sagittarius; 1442 in Gemini

1489 in Capricorn; 1533 in Cancer     1580 in Aquarius; 1623/4 in Leo

1671 in Pisces; 1714 in Virgo                          1761/2 in Aries; 1805 in Libra

1852 in Taurus; 1897 in Scorpio

1942 in Taurus (at last degree of Taurus and pattern breaks here but continues with next conjunction)

1988 in Sagittarius; 2032 in Gemini

[1] Charles Harvey, “Anima Mundi: The Saturn-Uranus Duet” from Apollon, Issue 3, August 1999, The CPA, London: 1999.

[1] Jung, Carl (1990), The Collected Work of CG Jung, Volume 6, translated by H.G. Baynes, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ: 1971, ¶ 708 -9.

[1] Greek and Roman names are interchanged: Ouranus and Uranus; Cronus and Saturn; Aphrodite and Venus.

[1] See Baigent, Campion and Harvey, Mundane Astrology, The Aquarian Press, London: 1984, p. 181.


