Academy of Astrology Japan


ダービー・コステ著  咲耶まゆみ訳       By Darby Costello    Translated by Mayumi Sakuya

English text to follow.






アストロロジャーとして鑑定をする中で、私は私自身や他人の中にあるこの集合的な苦悩を理解し、意識に上らせるようにしてきた。集合的に浮遊する不安感に浸らせておくと、人や、団体や、社会に対して投影されてしまうことがよくあるからだ。私たちはあまりにも不安定で変わりつつある世界にいる。そのために多くの人たちは危険を感じてしまう。私の多くの鑑定の中では、クライアントと一緒に人生の秘密の庭園のどこにこれらの苦悩、不安、忙しさ、思い、イメージ、気持ちが侵入しているかに気づくための取り組みをする。チャートに示される、金星の贈り物である美しさをしっかりと意識しているか? 人生と取り巻く世の中で喜びと美を高めることのできるように、金星の領域に個人的に関われることをしているか。そして、これはやる価値があるのか、それとも、混乱と苦悩に満ちた世間にありがちな自分勝手な事なのか?













ダービー・コステロ先生のセミナ-開催します。  詳細・お申込みは、こちら


Recovering the Garden of Venus (1)

by Darby Costello


In the early sixth century a bishop from Padua wrote a poem for a bride and groom. In this poem, Cupid went to see his beautiful mother, Venus, in her lush garden, complaining that their ‘old empire’ had been lost, and now ‘cold virginity’ possessed the world. ‘Arise! Shake off your sleep!’ he tells her. But she replies that she will not leave her garden yet; ‘We shall be all the stronger for our rest. Let the nations learn that a goddess grows in power when no one thinks of her.’ *1


In our world today it is not ‘cold virginity’ that has driven Venus into her hidden garden, but our ongoing anxiety and our terrible over-stretched busy-ness. And perhaps, underneath this, a loss of reverence for the invisible powers that the gods and goddesses used to personify. Today we ask each other and/or our parents and leaders to personify the gods and goddesses we have lost. Not only do relationships suffer but also our human capacity to take pleasure, soul nourishing pleasure, in the beauty of the world as it is. The longing for things to be different, people to be different, ourselves to be different, seems to be a disease of the time we live in.


In my consultation practice as an astrologer I have sought to understand this sense of collective distress in myself and in others and to bring it into consciousness rather than be submerged by the communal free floating anxiety, which most often gets projected onto one or another person, group or community. We are in such a precarious, changing world and it feels so unsafe to so many people. A lot of the work I do with clients involves noticing where these distressed, anxious, busy, thoughts, images and feelings invade the private gardens of our lives. Do we pay appropiate attention to the beauty that is Venus’ gift as it shows in our charts? Do we relate personally to the dimension that is her realm in ways that further joy and beauty in our lives and in the world around us? And, is this a thing worth doing, or is it selfish in a world full of such confusion and distress?


To address these questions it is worth returning to the deities associated with the planet Venus – when living deities were still associated with the planets! Four thousand years ago the Mesopotamians already knew that the morning and evening star were the same. At different times the goddesses Inanna and Ishtar were the planet’s deities.



In the star lore of our early history, these goddesses were supremely powerful and everything and everyone responded to them. This hymn to Inanna is over 3,000 years old:

At the end of the day, the Radiant Star, the Great Light that fills the sky,
The Lady of the Evening appears in the heavens.
The people in all the lands lift their eyes to her.

The hymn goes on to say that the men purified themselves and women cleansed themselves; the ox and the sheep and all living creatures of the steppe, gardens, orchards, reeds and trees, oceans and heavens responded to her commands and revered her. Old women prepared a feast for her, and:

The Lady refreshes herself in the land.
There is great joy in Sumer.
The young man makes love with his beloved. *2


Much later, in the eighth c entury B.C.E., when Hesiod wrote of Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of Love and the most direct ancestress of our astrological Venus, he told us that she was born of a most brutal murder: her father Ouranus had been violently dismembered and killed by his son, Kronos, at the instigation of his mother, Gaia. When the foam of Ouranus’ severed members floated over the sea to the shore, Aphrodite (‘foam-born’), came into being. Yet, this extraordinarily dark beginning gave birth to something wonderful:


Continue to “Recovering the Garden of Venus (2)”

*1 Lewis, Allegory, 1979, p. 78 citing Ennodius, Carm. Lib.I, iv, lines 1-4 (ed. Hartel in Corp. Script. Ecclesiast. Vol. vi, pp. 29-52).
*2 ‘The Lady of the Evening’ in Kramer, Samuel Noah and Diane Wolkstein’s, Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth: Her Stories and Hymns from Sumer, (New York: Harper and Rowe, 1983), p. 101.


★Click here  for details of Darby Costello‘s Tokyo seminar on 2017 10th(Fri. evening), 11th (Sat) and 12th(Sun).





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