エロスのため息 ~恋の形而上学(2)
雨の日の金曜日の午後。 偶然カフェで再会した、アストロロジャー(ビータ)と生徒(シルビー)の対話。人は人を愛する時に、何を求めているのか。相手の中の何を見ているのか。「プラトニック・ラブ」という言葉を生んだ15世紀のプラトン学者マルシリオ・フィチーノの思想と彼のチャートをもとに、2人は愛について語り合う。
ダービー・コステロ著 咲耶まゆみ訳
By Darby Costello Translated by Mayumi Sakuya
English text to follow.
シ:犠牲。それは、彼のストーリーの重要な点ですか。もし、彼の火星が、先生がおっしゃたように、12ハウスに隠れているのであれば、彼の欲求を犠牲にする傾向があったのかしら?もしかしたら、決して恋に落ちないようにしたとか! もしかしたら、禁欲の方が彼にとっては楽だったのかも。
シ:獅子座で海王星と木星が合ね。彼が「高潔」と思った人には、強く惹かれたでしょうね。きっと神のように見えたんじゃないかな。辛かったでしょうね。他者との神秘的な結合を求める、地のセクシャルな気質をもった、情熱的な蠍座ですもの。彼は、これらをどうしたんですか? 「プラトニック・ラブ」には、どのように行き着いたんですか?
後に同じ友人に宛てた手紙には、こう書いているわ。「美徳の炎で燃え、天体の光線で強まっていく神聖なこのような愛は、地上の病の恐れによって苦しめられることのない、 天の崇高な高みへと戻ることを求めている」
Remembering Eros (2)
A Ficinian Response to Love in the Nineties: A Dialogue between an Astrologer and a Student
S: Yes I see… The Sun in Scorpio and Mars in Capricorn – ‘powerful’, ‘hungry’ and ‘unrelenting’ in seeking satisfaction from life, and highly ‘sexual’. The feminine planets, Moon and Venus, both in earth, but in the two more ‘self-controlling’ signs of Capricorn and Virgo. So he inherited his mother’s controlled and controlling emotional nature through the Moon in Capricorn, and her desire to be valued for her service and her goodness through her Venus in Virgo. All of this together could have indicated a harsh and demanding nature, intensely controlled, naturally inclined to self-repression and self-control and, of course, sexual abstinence. Isn’t it true that Scorpios are known for transforming or rechannelling their basic human instincts into talents which win them power on one plane or another?
V: Yes, and these traits are deepened through the aspects and house positions. His Scorpio Sun is in the ninth house square Saturn on the ascendent in Aquarius. His Venus in Virgo was just entering his eighth house, trine to Mars in the 12th.
S: Yes, I noticed that Saturn: on the ascendent in Aquarius – his idealistic approach to life, and his need to embody his ideals. I remember you prefer to use the old rulerships when looking at the personal character in the chart. That Saturn placement must also indicate an awkward relationship to his body, a deep self-consciousness in the most uncomfortable sense, as well as in the most self-developing sense. The struggling, square aspect to his Sun suggests he had to work very hard to achieve his goals. As his Sun was in the ninth house, could you say it was a struggle to achieve his own philosophy?
V: Yes – to achieve the mountain-top awareness of the philosopher from living his passionate Scorpio life. If you remember, the higher goal of the ninth house journeys, whether they be of the body or the mind and imagination, is the goal of philosophy – to find eternal truths and meaning in the constantly shifting patterns that we see in time and space. And so the Saturnian ascendent squaring his ninth-house Sun indicates a great struggle to achieve this goal. He had to embody his high ideal of Saturn in Aquarius, standing as an example to others, and he had to transform his own, given passionate nature into wisdom.
His Sun was also strengthened by the trine to Pluto in Cancer, which was opposite his Moon in Capricorn in the eleventh house. So in driving towards his goal of achieving his aim of transformation into true philosopher and educator, he came into intense encounters with various groups and their aims too. Even though Pluto had not been discovered yet, this Lord of Death and Rebirth was secretly facilitating his urge to break through his own nature – to die to his own nature in order to achieve something profound. Of course, the opposition of Pluto to his Moon shows us how easily he could feel suffocated by too close an emotional contact, and yet his personal intensity created situations with people which must have been in themselves claustrophobic. His Venus on the cusp of the eighth house repeats that theme – intense desire to be loved, to be mirrored in the beloved’s eyes. This is enflamed further by the earthy Mars in Capricorn, hidden away in the sacrificial twelfth house.
S: Sacrifice. Is that the key to his story? If his Mars was, as you say, hidden away in the twelfth house, was he inclined then, to sacrifice his desires? Perhaps he never let himself fall in love at all! Perhaps celibacy was easy for him.
V: Remember, he was a Scorpio Sun. I like Dane Rudhyar’s description of Scorpio: he says that their essential character is “the urge in the individual to merge in absolute union with other individuals in order to constitute together a greater organic whole.” *1. That is one way of saying that Scorpio is about sex first, no matter what it later transforms itself into. He also says it’s not simply that Scorpio is about procreative sex but about “mystical sex… which is a yearning for self-forgetfulness and union through another with a greater whole, and even with ‘God’”.*2 This is not a simple or straightforward nature. But there’s one other factor in this chart that you must know – and that is…
S: It must be Jupiter! We’ve not mentioned Jupiter. Everything is so difficult and dark and struggling in his nature so far. Where was his Jupiter? Where was relief?
V: You have the key. His Jupiter was in Leo, in the seventh house – the house of ‘the other’ – the house where we give away parts of ourselves and look for them in others. And his Jupiter in Leo was in opposition to Saturn.
S: And so he gave away the shining, royal Apollonian part of himself and kept the harsh taskmaster, Saturn.
V: Precisely. He saw in others the best and happiest part of himself and identified with Saturn. In fact, he said in a letter to his friend, the Archbishop of Amalfi:
You have divined, I think, how much I have wanted to live my life with someone of a Jovial nature, so that something of a bitter, and as I might say, Saturnine element, which either my natal star has bestowed on me or which philosophy has added, might eventually be alleviated by the sweet fellowship of someone born under Jove.’*3
S: I see that Neptune is conjunct his Jupiter in Leo. He must have fallen in a big way for those he saw as ‘noble’. He must have seen them as gods. How painful it must have been for him – a passionate Scorpio with an earthy sexual nature longing for mystical union with another. What did he do with all of this? And how did it get him to Platonic Love?
V: The phrase itself first appears in a letter he wrote to his friend, Alamanno Donati, with whom he shared a passion for Plato:
What kind of friendship will ours be called, oh Alamanno? since it began from nothing else than from Platonic love, we must call it nothing less than Platonic.. .*4
In a later letter to this same friend he wrote that ‘such a divine love kindled by the flames of the virtues and growing strong from celestial rays, seeks to return to the sublime heights of heaven which no fear of earthly ills can ever trouble.’*5
S: I understand. They must have both loved reading Plato and must have come to love the man that they perceived behind the philosophy. He took his conception of ‘Platonic Love’ from Plato’s own notions of the best and highest forms of love and then applied it to his feelings for his friend.. But was this man his lover, in any sense?
V: He never tells us in what sense they were ‘lovers’, but everything points to his own life of chastity. He seems to have been searching for ways to express the deep feelings he had for this Alamanno – and this was his way. Perhaps there was sexual feeling in it, but he was seeking another route through which his feelings could express themselves.
Another man was even more central to his struggle and transformation. His name was Giovanni Cavalcanti, and Ficino met him around 1468, five or six years after he was given the Villa in Careggi by Cosimo’s grandson, Lorenzo de’ Medici. We know how much he felt for this man by many of the things he wrote to him. Listen to this:
The care of my own sick body and that of my father is one burden for me. Your absence is another. Both must be borne with equanimity, lest they become more burdensome through impatience.’*6
Even though he was doing work that he loved in a place that was beautiful, he was still tormented during these years, and I think it was because of this terrible longing, his passionate nature, which seemed to have no resolution. He was a spiritual man of his times, and Christianity has always rejected the body’s urges, other than procreation. Its higher aim had to do with the release of the spirit, and this tradition he found very compatible with his own complex nature. In his De Amore, for example, he writes:
Venereal madness leads to intemperance, and therefore to disharmony. Therefore it likewise seems to lead to ugliness, whereas love leads to beauty. Ugliness and beauty are opposites; therefore any motions which carry us to them seem to be opposite to each other. Therefore the desire for coitus (that is, for copulation) and love are shown to be not only the same motions but opposites.”*7
And again, but here we begin to hear Plato’s mind:
a man [must] be considered mad as well as miserable, who whilst called to the sublime through vision, plunges himself into the mire through touch. Although he could become God instead of man by contemplating the divine through human beauty, from man he returns to beast by preferring the physical shadow of form to true spiritual beauty.*8
This last passage was actually written to Cavalcanti. From the year he moved into the villa and began translating Plato – and this was the year of his Saturn Return – until seven years later (the time of the waxing square) – his letters, and his chart, show that he was struggling mightily with his own nature.
S: You once described the Saturn Return as the time in which we are asked, or told, to take responsibility for the work we have to do in this life. The following seven years must be the opening up of that work.
V: Yes. And at the end of those seven years something happened. In 1469 he was 35 and Saturn was in Taurus; Venus ruled of course. While it was sitting opposite his Scorpio Sun and square to his awkward, idealistic embodied Saturn-in-Aquarius-on-the-ascendent and also square his romantic Jupiter (and Neptune) in the house of relationship – something changed. Saturn in Taurus tells us of the work he had to accomplish on his love nature. Whenever Saturn is in Taurus there is work to be done on one’s love nature, and as he was sensitive to the higher notes of each planet’s field of meaning, he really worked to simplify his love nature. Of course, Saturn was trine his Moon and Venus, during this time and so through grace as well as work – he found his way through. And De Amore, his commentary of Plato’s Symposium, was the result.
Continue to “Remembering Eros (3)”
*1. Dane Rudhyar, The Pulse of Life (Philadelphia, David McKay Co. 1943),
*2. ibid
*3. Ficino, Letter,. Translated by members of the language department of the School of Economic Science. 4 volumes. (London, Shepherd-Walwyn 1988) Vol.4, No.45
*4. M. Ficino, Opera Omnia (Basil, 1576) ~6
*5. M. Ficino, Letter’, op. cit. Vol. 4, No.15
*6. M. Ficino, Letter,’, op. cit. Vol.1. (1975) No.35
*7. M. Ficino, De Amore. Commentary on Plato~ Symposium on Love (Dallas, Spring Publications, Inc. 19851, 41
*8. M. Ficino, Letter’ op. cit. Vol.1. No.42
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