ブライアン・クラーク著 咲耶まゆみ訳
By Brian Clark Translated by Mayumi Sakuya
English text to follow.
欧米文学の中では、キャロルやフロイトのほぼ3千年前、夢はすでに叙事詩を通して謳われ、再度伝えられ、記述されてきた。ホメロス(BC850年頃のギリシャの盲目叙事詩)は、叙事詩『オデュッセイア』の中で、夢を詩の登場人物の宿命パターンを作る神聖な力と結びつけた。これらは、西洋文化の感動的な文学に夢が常に織り込まれることになる予兆だった。フロイトの約2千年前、アルテミドルス(西暦2年の哲学者)もまた『夢判断(Oneirocritia )』を書いている。夢に関する5冊の本からなる古代ギリシャの教科書『Oneirocritia 』は、初めて世に知られた夢に関する作品である。
Dream (1)
Dreams provide the most interesting information for those who take the trouble to understand their symbols. The results, it is true, have little to do with such worldly concerns as buying and selling. But the meaning of life is not exhaustingly explained by one’s business life, nor is the deep desire of the human heart answered by a bank account’
by Brian Clark
In the Theatre of Dreams
In the country of dreams we are far away from the daily corporate and economic pressures of life that we experience when awake. In sleep we inhabit another world, one more akin to the soul. Dreaming is a cathartic aspect of psychic life. Working with our dreams is an act of soul-making.
When we dream, our life’s outer and worldly images are absorbed and felt and processed. In the theatre of our dreams our personal experiences, reactions, desires and emotions author the account for the dream. The dream asks us to reflect upon its narrative from a subjective and imaginative perspective stimulating a deeper relationship with our psychic life. Dreams provide continuity between our inner life and waking reality.
Through reflecting on the dream its contents become more consciously internalised. For instance when we dream of our mothers or fathers, brothers or sisters, friends or enemies, lovers or betrayers, the images and feelings they evoke are felt inside the chamber of the soul. We consider their image inside of us. As we contemplate what they mean to us, their image becomes more symbolic and less literal, allowing feelings to develop for the image they hold inside of us. In turn, these feelings direct us to consider how we feel about this part of ourselves. Even though they personify an actual person, soul making is the act of internalising these images so that the world outside of us becomes a more conscious reflection of our inner world.
In a similar way working with the astrological horoscope is an act of soul making. Its symbols also represent the people and places of our lives. Even though the mother, father, brother, sister, friend, enemy, lover or betrayer of the dream can be accurately illustrated in the horoscope, it is not just the actual person that the horoscope delineates, but also the inner image of that person which the soul speaks of through the symbols of the horoscope. Personal history, biography and factual details are significant to the case presented but these are not the elements of a soul history. Human judgments about either dream or horoscopic images are contrary to the soul.
With inner images we are confronted with what the person means to us, what parts of ourselves might they characterise and why they are in my dream. Soul making can be encouraged by the astrologer when they facilitate the process of internalising images through reflection and consideration of the horoscopic images as inner, not outer, figures. Therefore we might contemplate the horoscope like a dream and working with the chart like active imagination. Like the dream, all these images are in the horoscope; therefore they belong not only to the outer world, but to the internal landscape of the individual. As we begin to consider these images more soulfully the individual is no longer exclusively the literal person of the dream or the horoscope, but part of our inner soul life.*1 Dreams and astrology help make connections between the projective outer environment and the inner world through their evocative imagery.
Both are divinatory and oracular by nature. The language of dreams and astrology is symbolic and metaphoric and each process has traditions and tenets which attempt to make their meanings accessible. But divinatory art is never as literal as we would like and its significance is usually dispensed through riddles; therefore we need to approach the symbols and images of the dream and horoscope with respect for their multi-dimensional meanings and subtle essences. Like oracles, astrologers and dream workers may not fully know the individual’s history, associations or feelings; therefore we need to suspend our logical knowing of the images and symbols to listen to them in the context of the individual’s experience, not from a learnt perspective of the symbol. In this way we move from more literal interpretations to more soulful perceptions.
The Tradition of the Dream
‘Wake up, Alice dear!’ said her sister. ‘Why, what a long sleep you’ve had!’
……..So Alice got up and ran off, thinking while she ran, as well she might, what a wonderful dream it had been.*2
And what a wonderful dreamtime Alice had in the phantasmagorical land of Lewis Caroll’s imagination. Like epic poets, playwrights, mythmakers and storytellers before him Lewis Carroll used the dream as a means to creatively express the irrational and the bizarre, the aspects of life Alice found underground.
At the dawn of the 20th Century Sigmund Freud published his book The Interpretation of Dreams and brought the long-forgotten yet ancient tradition of dream interpretation to the foreground of psychoanalysis. Shortly after publishing he bemoaned that his book had little impact; however in reality, Freud was a seminal vessel for the return of the dream, not only to psychoanalysis but popular culture and literature as well. Alongside the dream, astrology reawakened.
In Western literature dreams had already been sung, retold and written down through epic poetry, tragedy and literature for nearly three millennia before Caroll and Freud. Homer in The Odyssey used dreams to link the dreamer with the divine forces pattern-making the fate of his characters. These were a foretaste of the dreams that would be consistently woven through inspirational literature of Western culture. Artemidorus, nearly two millennia before Freud, had also written The Interpretation of Dreams. Oneirocritia, an ancient Greek text comprising five books on dream interpretation is the first known Greek work on the subject.
By the 5th Century BCE the classical Greeks had formalised healing rituals drawing on the restorative powers of sleep and dreams. In the sacred precinct of the healing god Asclepius pilgrims and patients would enter into the Abaton to lie down and sleep in preparation for the healing dream. These early ideas thought the god visited individuals during the sleeping trance through their dream visions. In healing traditions the dream was the life blood of the soul and ensured the contact between the mundane world of body and form and the invisible world of soul.
From a modern viewpoint the dream becomes the way to access and befriend the inner world. Contrary to the informational and interpretative paradigms of modern day, healing dreams were acknowledged as a visitation of the god and that in itself was the healing.
Dreamwork is a long established sacred tradition that facilitates contact with the soul. Thanks to Freud, Carl Jung, James Hillman and other psychotherapists it has been re-cognised. Working with our dreams restores contact to the ancient ways that promoted communication with the gods, a process akin to astrological work.
Continue to “Dream 2”.
*1. James Hillman in The Dream and the Underworld, 96 describes it in this way: ‘The more I dream of my mother and father, brother and sister, son and daughter, the less these actual persons are as I perceive them in my naïve and literal naturalism and the more they become psychic inhabitants of the underworld. As they rise into the vision of my nights and I mull and digest their comings and goings, the family becomes familaris, internal accomplishments, no longer quite the literal people I engage with daily.’
*2. Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Bramhall House, New York: NY, 162
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