Academy of Astrology Japan


ブライアン・クラーク著  咲耶まゆみ
By Brian Clark    Translated by Mayumi Sakuya

English text to follow.






夢とネータルチャートを扱う時、まず夢チャートを見て夢のイメージと一致するテーマや心象を分析すると役立つ。これによって占星学的イメージで夢を広げることができるからだ。夢は夜の世界に属する。そのためドリームワークは私たちが望むほど決して秩序だった分かり易いものではない。 これには月のアプローチが求められる。夢のイメージはしばしば神秘的であったり、無意味でさえあることもあるが、それでも想像のイメージが組み込まれている。それ故に、直観的に増幅させる夢と、夢ホロスコープの象徴は最高の組み合わせなのだ。















冥王星 死、破壊、死んだ赤ちゃん、出産、トイレの夢、黒と白のシンボル、タブー、悲しみ、下水管、ごみ、汚染、激情、冥界へ下降
海王星 洪水、溺死、霧、消失、海、海に飛び込む、混乱、偽り、超現実的
天王星 飛ぶ、打ち砕かれるガラス、切り離す、宇宙、イメージの断片か、バラバラになったイメージ、破壊、離別、疑い、不安、憤慨
カイロン 傷、癒し、医療処置、門外漢、脚、手、外国人、難民
土星 権威ある人物、行動の結果、規則や制約、冷たさ、境界、骨格、骸骨
木星 旅、賢明な男女、教会、尖塔、成長、大学、外国






水星 夢の見張り番、メッセンジャー、仲介役、冥界へ出入りする魂の案内役、繋ぐ、目覚めと眠り、意識と無意識の境目を行ったり来たりする詐欺師的な存在、神話の水星は、霊魂の冥界への運び屋、姿形が変わるイメージ、二重の意味、奇術、夢の魔術的性質。
カイロン 中間にある状態、間にある空間、夢培養、中間の流動性、本能的な人生と神聖さの間、傷と症状の自覚。カイロンは、癒しの夢の神アスクレピオスの師匠であったことからドリームワークのプロセスや現世的世界と精神的世界の間、本能の領域と神の領域の間の元型的エネルギーに類似する。
海王星 イメージの洪水、象徴的な領域、元型的充足感、意味づけの衝動、神とつながっている気持ち、想像と夢の世界。海王星は夢のイメージを編み、境界のない、流動的な魂の性質をもつ。






Dream (3)

by Brian Clark


Working with the Dream and the Chart

To begin working with the dream and the horoscope I listen to the dream first. I find that it is best when the dreamer has written down the dream, as it is often necessary to have multiple readings of the dream. Even with the written account each reading of the dream reveals something new. Without the written account each telling of the dream can be unconsciously edited and modified by the dreamer, aligning itself with the day world rather than the night where it originated. Amplifying the dream images, looking for personal associations, honouring spontaneous feelings or memories that arise will be helpful in amplifying the dream. However, on listening to the dream an astrologer hears the inner images of the dream astrologically. Remember dreams are part of the mystery of life, not the solution to your problems.



In working with both the dream and the natal charts, I find it useful to examine the dream chart first for themes and images that are consistent with the images of the dream, as this allows amplification of the dream using astrological imagery. Since the dream belongs to the night world, dreamwork is never as ordered and straightforward as we might like. It invites a lunar approach. Even though dream images are often mysterious, even nonsensical, they are embedded with imaginative meaning; hence the intuitive amplification of the dream along with the dream horoscope symbols become an awesome team.

First impressions of the dream chart are important: the angles, angular planets, stelliums, house placements and aspects. To begin I am interested in the faster moving planets, especially the Moon, along with the angles that highlight aspects of the natal chart relevant to the dream. The inner planets and angles often repeat themes and direct the astrologer to examine certain environs. In the context of the dream the inner planetary constellation are microcosmic of a larger soulful picture. Inner planetary movements often escape the wakeful eye as they move quickly and are taken for granted. Yet the soul knows their voice and this is confirmed in the dialogue of the dream. Since they are faster-moving they form more specific aspects.

Because dreams are part of our nightly life, the angles and houses are very important in the dream chart, as they change approximately every two hours during the night. Hence planets in houses can be highlighted and compared to the natal chart while angular planets become a central theme to consider. Each dream chart is unique.



I often find the social planets are indicative of the morals and truths that might be stirred during the news of the day. The dream chart gives us an inner view of how the outer life impresses the soul, what it senses and how it feels.

Within the pantheon of the planets, the outer planets’ transits may amplify and confirm the context of the dream. Outer planet imagery can be differentiated and therefore in reference to the dream can help confirm the nature of the dream. Since the outer planets in the dream chart are transits to the natal chart, they reveal the larger background context and framework of the dream. Transits to the natal chart of the outer planets are reflected in dreams through analogous symbols and images. But their importance in both the dream and by astrological transit is that their character is trans-Saturnian or beyond the visible boundary of human experience. Symbolically speaking the outer planets lie outside the orbit of order, the system or the dominance of the ego. This in itself arouses soul; therefore the unconscious would be alert to the energies of these planets. Dane Rudhyar referred to the outer planets in his later work as the ‘ambassadors of the galaxy’.

Astrology may add another dimension to our analysis of the dream process by making us differentiate dreams into three basic categories: Uranian, Neptunian and Plutonian.*3 



In contemporary astrology the outer planets are beyond tradition.*4  Invisible to the ancients they reveal themselves in the modern era and symbolise agents of what is beyond the human capacity to control or civilise. In this way they are agents of the soul and to the modern astrologer like Rudhyar helped to differentiate three ways of being open to energies most unfamiliar and at most times at odds with the ego since all represent states beyond its control.

Dreams occur throughout the life cycle; however there are times during important life transitions when dreams may be a most valuable guide. At the nodal return period dreams may help us be more aware of the realignment of our life purpose while during the midlife process dreams may be important message bringers.


Transits to the Natal Chart

Social and outer planets are often reflected in dreams through symbols and images connected to the planets. Below are some images I have seen in dreams but of course there are many more associations with each planet.

Pluto death, destruction, dead babies, giving birth, toilet dreams, black and white symbols, taboos, grief, sewers, garbage, pollution, rage, a descent to the underworld……..
Neptune floods, drowning, fog, disappearance, sea, diving into sea, confusion, deceit, surreal…..
Uranus flying, shattering glass, cut off, space, fractures or fractured images, breaking, separating, suspension, anxiety, fury……
Chiron wounds, healing, medical procedures, outsiders, legs, hands, foreigners, refugees……..
Saturn authority figures, consequences to actions, rules and restrictions, coldness, boundaries, skeleton, bones………..
Jupiter travel, wise men and women, churches, spires, growth, university, foreign settings……

Outer planets might reveal more of what is unknown, hidden, repressed, in shadow while the social planets confront societal expectations and associated feelings such as guilt.



Dream Planets

In the natal chart there are four planets especially linked to the dream world through their receptivity and their mythology. Note the aspects to these in your natal chart and what this might suggest in terms of your receptivity to dreams and the inner landscape of images.

Moon the container of all preverbal images, feeling memory and the inner storehouse of our unconscious history, a vessel of the soul. While the Moon represents the feeling memory, it is also the domain of the personal unconscious and suggests the forgetting and protecting of traumatic experience. This geography of the soul is charted by the dream which helps to bring reflective awareness to this aspect of the self. Hence the transits of the Moon are highly active in dream charts and the progressed Moon is a barometer of the capacity to remember, reflect and restore images to the waking world.
Mercury the shepherd of dreams, the messenger, the go-between, going down and leading the soul in and out of the underworld, linking, the trickster figure which hovers on the threshold between waking and sleeping, conscious and unconscious. Mythologically Mercury is the psychopomp and leader of the souls in and out of the underworld. His mercurial nature is present in the shape-shifting imagery, the double entendres, the sleight of hand as well as the magical qualities of the dream.
Chiron the metaxy or the in between state, the space between and dream incubation, the fluidity of the in between state, the space between the instinctual life and the divine, the consciousness in our wounds and symptoms. Chiron is akin to the process of Dreamwork as he is the mythological mentor to Asclepius, the God of the Healing Dream as well as the archetypal energy that is between the secular and spiritual worlds and the instinctual and divine realms.
Neptune the flood of images, the symbolic realm and archetypal feeling content, urge to make meaning, feeling connected to the divine, the imagination and the dream world. Neptune is the weaver of dream images and the boundless and fluid nature of the soul.

The dream chart is explored in the context of the dream. In this way the houses can be indicative of the settings and environments of the dream, the planets might personify some of the characters while the aspects might resonate with some of the dialogue in the dream. However, unravelling the dream chart is always unique and when compared to the natal chart it allows a deeper appreciation and understanding of the dream messages that the night world reveals.


Landscape with the Dream of Jacob by Michael Willmann



*3. Dane Rudhyar, Astrology and the Modern Psyche, CRCS Publications, Vancouver, WA: 1976, 155

*4. In some cases traditional astrologers do not use the outer planets as they are not part of the tradition of astrology. Uranus is discovered in 1784 during astrology’s hiatus while Neptune is discovered in 1846 as the imagination is again beginning to stir.







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