Academy of Astrology Japan



親密な関係 – 8ハウス (Part1)

ブライアン・クラーク著  咲耶まゆみ
By Brian Clark    Translated by Mayumi Sakuya

English text to follow.



古代アストロロジャーは、8ハウスを主に死と喪失、特に遺産や負債などのような喪失から得られるものに関する事柄のハウスと見た。8ハウスは、他人のお金や資産を示し、他人の死や不幸による相続や獲得を示す。今でも死や負債は、mortgage(貸付金)やamortize(償却・分割返済)という言葉に関係している。’amortize’という言葉は、現代では借金の段階的な返済という意味で使われるが、当初は死後の資産凍結を意味した。’mortgage’ と’amortize’の中のmortは死という意味だが、‘amortize’の一部であるamorは愛を意味する。



2ハウスは、私たちの身体と築く関係を探求する。そのため、8ハウスは、他者と官能性や肉体を共有することだ。伝統占星術はセックスを5ハウスに位置付けたが、現代占星術では8ハウスの一部でもある。5ハウスは娯楽と創造・生殖の領域だ;セックスは快く、楽しい。5ハウスはまた子供も司る。セックスもまた生殖とみられる。8ハウスはセックスは親交、魂の交流を示す親密な領域だ。性交は性的に結ばれることだけではなく、精神的な結びつきも示唆する。8ハウスの中では、性、死、負債は融合している。オルガズムはm一時的な意識的な自覚が失われる状態で、意識に戻る前の一時的降伏だ。フランス人はオルガズムを「小さな死(’le peit mort’」と呼ぶ



‘intimate(親密)‘という言葉はラテン語intimaを語源にもつ。内側、最内部、内在、本質という意味 持つ;ある生徒がこう言ったことがある。「intimacyは、‘into-me-see(私の中を見る)’という意味なんですね」それは緊密なつきあいを意味する。親密な関係は自分自身を知るための内面の体験をもたらす。自己の最も深い領域が関わるからだ。親密さは自分自身との関係から始まる。





「親密な関係―8ハウス(Part 2)はこちら→


From the Moment We Met: The Astrology of Adult Relationships

Intimacy – The Eighth House

by Brian Clark

Astrologically, the house of death follows the house of marriage; not necessarily the best combination for romance, but certainly good fodder for many bar-room jokes about marriage. In the marriage liturgy, ‘till death us do part’ was the wedding partners’ vow to remain together for life. Death, being the force that would separate the partners, highlighted the serious commitment to marriage. Attitudes and approaches to marriage have altered significantly since this was widely used, but what has not changed is the complex nature of intimate relationships whose atmosphere is symbolized by the 8th house of death.

This mysterious amalgam of intimacy and death is not easy to comprehend. Neither are the depths of the 8th house. In traditional astrology, this house was one of four houses deemed ‘bad’, not that these houses were bad or where bad things happened, but that the places were not aligned by Ptolemaic aspect with the life force of the Ascendant.46 Quincunx the Ascendant, the 8th house is in conflict with our personality.

The ancient astrologers’ view of the 8th house was mainly about death and questions concerning loss, especially gains from loss, such as inheritances or debts. The house referred to other people’s money and assets, and to inheriting or gaining from others’ death or misfortune. Death and debt are still linked through our words such as mortgage and amortize. While the modern usage of ‘amortize’ is a gradual payment of debt, in earlier usage it meant withholding property after death. Mort in ‘mortgage’ and ‘amortize’ refer to death, but amor, also a part of ‘amortize’, is love.

This mysterious amalgam between death, debt and love is carried into modern astrology through the 8th house connection between intimacy and prosperity. Psychological astrology delineates the taboos of the 8th house and draws the link between the death of the ego and intimacy, sex and power, as well as love and loss. The transformative process of death is related to changes that partners experience in an intimate relationship: ‘Each of the partners is changed individually, and a third entity, the union is formed.’48 Death is not a literal death, but a turning away from life as it has been known, a turning inward towards the soul. The 8th house is a house of soul-making through the initiations of intimate relationships.

As the traditional house of sharing or withholding resources, the 8th house reveals an individual’s level of emotional comfort with intimacy. Our attitude to being emotionally open or closed is a barometer of how we share our resources with those we love. Known as the house of sex, taxes and death, it is in the 8th house that love and trust get entangled with sex and money. When the seal of trust is broken the joint finances are, too! In my experience many 8th house signatures reveal this cementing or rupturing of resources, whether that is a lucrative joint business, an unexpected inheritance or a significant divorce settlement. The 8th is opposite the 2nd house, forming a natural polarity between what is mine and what is ours. What is mine is physical, economical and emotional, and how that is shared makes it ours.

The 2nd house explores the relationship we develop with our bodies; therefore the 8th is how we share our sensuality and physicality with others. While traditional astrology located sexual activity in the 5th house, in contemporary astrology it is also part of the 8th. The 5th house is an arena of recreation and procreation; sex is pleasurable and fun. Since the 5th house also rules children, sex is also seen as reproductive. The 8th house is an intimate environment where sex is a means of communion, a soulful exchange. Intercourse does not solely refer to sexual union, but also to a spiritual one. In the 8th house, sex and death/debt are fused.

The 8th house is a house of mystery and mastery in being true to your deepest self while participating in the world and engaging in relationships. When representative of place, the 8th house depicts dark and ominous locations on outer or inner landscapes. In the 8th house the primal fear of survival is stirred through intimacy, and often experienced as a fear of loss or abandonment. But the pain of loss is connected with attachment. Eighth house relationships are dependent on trust and integrity. They are not solely between life, love or sexual partners, but can also symbolize business relationships where the union takes each one into the shared territory of mutual resources, or the therapist/client relationship where privacy is sacred.49 Intimacy involves loss. Loss implies discovery. Discovery leads to transformation; a sacred wheel that turns in the 8th house.

Intimacy and Integrity

The word ‘intimate’ comes from the Latin, intima, and is defined as being inward, innermost, intrinsic or essential; intimacy, as a student once said, was ‘into-me-see’. It refers to a close association. An intimate relationship provides an inner experience of knowing oneself, as the innermost dimensions of the self are engaged. Intimacy begins with the relationship to oneself.

What is opened through intimate sharing has been locked away, well sealed in one of psyche’s vaults. Even though its contents are precious, they are vulnerable, often damaged, secretive and reluctant to be shared again. Dane Rudhyar suggested that three main factors are implied in all 8th house matters and one of these is trust. Intimacy relies on integrity and trust. As this is a house of exchange, trust is essential at all levels. For instance, when you place your resources in the Stock Exchange you trust that they will not only be returned, but will have increased. Similarly, when you place your love in a partnership you trust that it will be shared and will grow in value. The 8th house domain is sacred and primal, and its potential is fully awakened when we are once again intimate, vulnerable or exposed.

Life is punctuated by separations. Birth itself is a severance from a transcendent, symbiotic oneness into an experience of separateness. Other primal separations and losses occur as we mature, and intimate contact in adult life reawakens these dormant memories; therefore, the feelings of being intimate are coloured with fears of separation. What can accompany this primal sense of loss and separation is sadness; hence we can feel neglected even if there is no conscious recall of this occurring. This can also explain why at the height of feeling bonded and intimate we can also feel painfully separate and sad. Through emotional and sexual closeness we discover the residue from earlier feelings of aloneness, sadness and abuse.

Being intimate runs the risk of betrayal. In many ways betrayal is an embedded but vital aspect of an erotic union, as it allows an individual to unleash the primal wounds that have left them helpless and dependent. Betrayal can be a transformative process, an opportunity to push through powerless feelings towards an independent adult perspective. When used as an agent of reflection, betrayal leads to consciousness. Betrayal is a deathlike feeling, yet in the 8th house initiation it reconnects us to our inner strength and resources. We learn to trust ourselves, to know we will survive and, ironically, to be stronger because of the process. Through facing death something irrevocably changes. The change cannot always be articulated, but it is always felt. The underworld is no longer as fearful.

The 8th house keywords that we are all familiar with, such as betrayal, death, emotional closeness, jealousy, love, passion, possessiveness, power, rage, rebirth, sexual intimacy, shared resources, transformation, trust and union, are all aspects of the 8th house developmental process. The primary stage includes the awakening of emotional closeness, love, passion, sexual intimacy and sharing resources. When the fusion is still unconscious there is a stage when betrayal, deathlike feelings, jealousy, possessiveness, power plays and rage will erupt. By consciously working through these powerful emotive states, another stage is reached with images of rebirth, transformation, trust and union. Intimacy is now an authentic union of inner and outer.



