パンとパンデミック: 山羊座時代の愛(2)
ブライアン・クラーク著 咲耶まゆみ訳
By Brian Clark Translated by Mayumi Sakuya
English text to follow.
パンとパンデミック:山羊座時代の愛(1)はこちら → ★
占星学的にも比喩的にも私たちは山羊座の領域にいる。2020年多数の天体が山羊座で分岐点に立つ。パンとパンデミックが制度の注意を国民の健康に戻す中、まるで天が機関、政府、企業の統治の終焉というテーマを繰り返しているかのようだ。しかし国民の健康は自然に依存するのであって、企業カルテルではない。パンは顕現している全てのものに存在する自然だ。私たちはもはや自然を支配できない。実際には一度も支配できたこともない。ただパンは私たちがパニックするほど大声で叫んでいなかっただけだ。今はどうであろう?この「地獄・修羅場(Pandemonium (Pan-Demon-ium))」が過ぎた後も私たちは記憶に留めていられるだろうか?
では私たちは山羊座の時代にどのように愛し、関係性を築くのか。真正に、感じること。偽りのない誠実な人になるということは、あらゆる感情を、特に怖れという感情を抱える余裕をもつということ。パンに戻って私たちの本能と汎神教徒の自分を、自然を破壊するのではなく、自然に合うようなやり方で認める。職業人としての自分(professional self)、つまり自分が公言(profess)する職業人としての自分との関係性を築き、利益や報酬を勝ち取るために埋め合わせはしない。他者を尊重する。彼らが持つものによってではなく、ありのままの彼ら自身を尊重する。私たちが望む他者のためでなく、他者が自分らしくいられるように境界を尊重する。山羊座の愛の時代は自分自身に戻ることを通して関係性に質、完全性、誠実さを取り戻させてくれる。
もう一人のパン女神は、アスクレピオスの娘で癒しの神パナケア(Panacea, 「万能薬」の意味で使われる)だ。彼女の名前は薬草や薬剤に使われる。パナケアの名前は古代ギリシャ語「パン(pan)」と治療を意味する「アコス(akos)」から派生する。これ故にパナケアは「全ての癒し・解決策(cure-all)」。現代科学者は世界中の研究所でパンデミックのパナケア(万能薬)を研究し、配合している。錬金術師も自分たちの研究所で万能薬を作ろうとした。だから彼らのように、私たちのパンデミックの病気は物理的ワクチンだけで癒されるのではなく、自己の魂と世界との関係性を癒すことで治癒されることを忘れてはならない。
これは抜粋翻訳記事です。全原文はこちら → ★
ブライアン・クラーク先生の過去の講座はこちら → スマートフォン講座
ブライアン・クラーク先生の書籍はこちら → 書籍物品販売
Pan and the Pandemic: Love in the Time of Capricorn (2)
by Brian Clark
Click here for the “Pan and Pandemic: Love in the Time of Capricorn (1) → ★
Pan, Capricorn & the Devil (Latter half)
As the astrological ambassadors of Cronus and Zeus, Saturn and Jupiter symbolize this mythic template. Together they rule the last four signs of the zodiac and during the Pandemic they pass through Capricorn to meet at the Northern Hemisphere winter solstice. They conjoin in the first degree of Aquarius, the midpoint of their four transpersonal signs. While Aquarius’ mythos calls forth other gods, Saturn still rules the sign.
In the tropical zodiac, Capricorn heralds the winter solstice for the Northern Hemisphere, the nadir of the Solar cycle. The beginning of Capricorn marks the turning of the Sun; the darkest moment has passed and the light bringer, the new torchbearer, emerges. This marks the ending of the year, the old order. About one third of the way through Capricorn the New Year is literally born. Like great god Pan, Capricorn heralds the end of an era, the bottom of the cycle.
At the darkest point in the journey, another round begins. As we approach the nadir, sanctions and limits are often introduced to remain in control and insure the situation remains static and unchanging. Similar to the work of the Devil, life can be locked up in a state of fear and homeostasis, leading to depression and powerlessness. Tradition and the past need to be honoured in Capricorn, yet not to the extent of imprisoning the new order which wants to emerge.
Enchanted by the sweet sound of the wind blowing through the reeds, Pan tied them together to make his beautiful instrument of the panpipes. From nature music arises. During the pandemic, Pan is alive in the music that has poured out of the windows and balconies onto the streets again, in the banging and making noise to appreciate the work being done and in the anxiety we all are feeling. Pan’s music is the natural and instinctual creativity embedded in our being. The Devil arises when it is not allowed expression, devoured by our fear, enclosed by fixed beliefs and self-interested values. Imprisoning creativity locks us in a two-dimensional materialistic world where power is derived through status and possessions. Imprisoned in this world, panic arises, driving us into a compulsive round of satisfying physical desires. Creativity inspires the imagination, which brings the freedom to fertilize a new way of being. But first we must acknowledge the end of the cycle. Pandemic is the nadir of the cycle.
Astrologically and metaphorically we are in the tropics of Capricorn. In 2020 a host of planets are at crossroads in Capricorn, as if the heavens repeat the theme of the ending of institutional, governmental and corporate control, as Pan and his Pandemic return the establishment’s focus back to the health of the people. But the health of the populace depends on Nature, not corporate cartels. Pan is Nature in all its manifestations. We are no longer, actually never were, able to control the natural world, just that Pan had not shouted loud enough for us to panic. Perhaps now? And will we remember after the Pandemonium (Pan-Demon-ium) has past?
Love in the Time of Capricorn
How sad I feel, as I walk down the empty streets and look in the vacant shops and stay a metre and a half away from any other human being with whom I might cross paths. Yet the sky is a beautiful bright blue, the birds are singing and my garden is profuse. Within a heartbeat, the natural world is no longer out there, at work, on the streets, in the cafes or pubs. It is home, a return to Hestia’s hearth; we have been called inside, for our outward nature to be more still.
It is a time of Capricorn – of social distance and self isolation – the world has changed; no longer business as usual. Like any time of great upheaval, there is a possibility of initiation; Capricorn initiation suggests the descent into the fears of loss of purpose, of instability, of control, of economic collapse. The first stage of any initiatory transition is generally recognized as separation, either a physical and/or psychic separation from the community and conventional life. We are in the separation phase – quarantine and closed boundaries. Forced into an unknown situation, the initiation takes place through encountering in ourselves and others what is repressed and needs healing and liberation. Then we are able to return to a more integrated world with appropriate boundaries and integrity. At least that is the theory: Capricorn implies hard work, focus, integrity, respect…… Capricorn’s soul making process is authenticity which is inside, not out.
How do we love and relate in a time of Capricorn? Authentically, I feel. Be a genuine and sincere person means we make room for all our feelings – especially what we fear……We return to Pan and find a way for our instincts and pagan self to be acknowledged in ways that suit our nature, not damage it. We form relationship to our professional self, that self we profess to be, not the one we make up to win favour and reward. We respect the other, not because they have things but because they are these things. We honour boundaries so others can be who they are, not what we desire them to be. Love in the time of Capricorn allows us to bring back quality, integrity and sincerity back into our relationships through returning to that in ourselves.
Astrologically Capricorn has that in-built paradox of being a trans-personal sign, yet sensitive to feelings of aloneness and rejection, feelings often denied in the pursuit of outer rewards. The pandemic brings this paradox to light; loneliness, depression and sadness are felt in our isolation as we pass through this time. But this is a feeling not a reality, unless we make it so; another Capricorn paradox. Perhaps we are being called to reach out through these feelings to find our authentic humanness.
How will it All Pan out ?
Pan, as a pagan god of Capricorn, must feel so displaced to see His landscape desecrated by mines, logged to death, crowded with animals raised to slaughter. But our inner landscapes are crowded too with acts against the Self. We start here.
How will it all Pan out? I don’t know. I do know in times of uncertainty we want to know and often seek the assurance of oracles and diviners; hence astrological predictions will abound during this time. And astrology is very assuring as at its heart is the reality of the cyclical process, so evident in 2020. But perhaps we need not to know at this juncture so that another knowing can emerge out of our being present and participating in the process that involves us All.
I return to another Pan, a heroine who emerged at another time of great transition when the natural world was ceding to the civilized one, when Prometheus stole the fire and gave it to humans and when the Goddess was trampled by the heroic cults.
Her name is Pandora which means All Gifts. In her urn was a pandemic of disease and when the lid was taken off the cauldron, all these viruses were released amongst the entire human race.(ix) But left at the bottom of the urn was Hope, the great gift that the Goddess passes on in times of pandemic. It is not wish fulfilment, nor expectation or optimism, not even prophecy. It is the deep knowing, embedded in every human being, underneath the fear, the disease and the desires. Hope is the human quality passed on in times of pandemic that guides and motivates us all when all seems to be lost.
Another Pan goddess is Panacea, the daughter of Asclepius, the god of Healing who also lends her name to herbs and medicines used to cure. Her name derives from the ancient Greek pan and akos which means remedy; hence panacea is the cure all. Modern scientists in our labs across the world are researching and formulating the panacea for our pandemic. Alchemists sought to formulate the panacea in their laboratories; therefore like them it is critical to remember that our pandemic disease is not cured solely by a physical vaccine, but through the healing of our relationship to the soul of the Self and the World.
Click here for the full English original article.→★
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