Part 1
ブライアン・クラーク著 咲耶まゆみ訳
By Brian Clark Translated by Mayumi Sakuya
English text to follow.

“The beginning” Original artwork by Astrocat Josephine
土星-天王星のサイクル: 2021年のウエイニング・スクエアに関する考察 (Part 2)はこちら→★
The Saturn – Uranus Cycle:
in consideration of its 2021 series of waning squares
Part 1
By Brian Clark
Over the last millennium the conjunction, or series of conjunctions, between Saturn and Uranus has occurred every 43 to 47 years. On average Saturn conjoins Uranus every 45 years, either once or three times; if three times, the second conjunction occurs when both planets are retrograde with the timing gap between the first and last conjunctions in the triple series being about 8 months. Each conjunction or series of conjunctions move forward between approximately 180 and 210 zodiacal degrees, an average of 195 degrees. This separation means that the conjunctions move through the zodiac in pairs of signs[i]. Given the time span between each conjunction there are two each century. In the 20th Century these occurred in 1942 and 1988; in the 21st Century these occur in 2032 and 2079. In 2021 the current cycle seeded in 1988, in the last degrees of Sagittarius, reaches its waning square.
Rudhyar coined the waning square a ‘crisis in consciousness’. In its last quarter, the cycle is fading, reflective, a contemplative time to consider how the seeds of the cycle have flourished or failed, so amendments can be made to improve the outcome. It is a time of looking back to support future developments. Charles Harvey suggested this cycle marked the ‘march of progress’ or the ‘myth of progress’ highlighting the cycle as symbolic of ‘the remorseless building up and breaking down of ideas, nations, cultures and civilisations.’[ii] Today’s technological breakthroughs are tomorrow’s industrial dinosaurs; current gadgets end up in the op shop. At the waning square we are in the analytical phase of the cycle, digesting and reviewing its evolution.
Jung introduced us to the principle of enantiodromia from the philosophy of Heraclitus – ‘the view that everything that exists turns into its opposite’- using the term to suggest that the unconscious opposite of any process or practice emerges over the course of time, especially when a one-sided emphasis dominates its conscious life. This unconscious counterpart eventually bursts through its restraints. veering towards its opposite.[iii] At the waning square, the ever-present tension between innovative Uranus and conservative Saturn is taut. The possibility of extreme swings and blow ups between the two poles become heightened when the planetary archetypes remain entrenched, fixed in their viewpoint and unable to find middle ground.
Saturn and Uranus polarize conservative and liberal forces. Their cycle symbolizes the breakdown of authoritative regimes, boundaries and structures as well as the breakthrough of innovative and ground breaking policies. Depending on the context of the times, this could imply either a surge of capitalism or innovations for conservation. Given our predicament, grounding and implementing new reforms that benefit the stability and sustainability of the planet seem most crucial. Saturn represents structure, consolidation and tradition, while Uranus counters on the opposite pole of revolution, invention and technology. When the tension between the two is stretched, then traditional structures that govern give way to innovation, technological change and conversion. But these reforms are often accompanied by upheavals and mutinies.
Archetypally these two planetary gods have had a complex and antagonistic relationship since the dawn of time, so well described in the Greek myth of creation.
Order without liberty and liberty without order are equally destructive.
The Mythology of the Conjunction
Both Uranus (Ouranus) and Saturn (Cronus)[iv] are sons of Gaia. Parthenogenically Gaia gives birth to Uranus, who then mates with her to father the twelve Titans, the youngest being Saturn. In this complex and primal family system, Saturn is both the brother and the son of his father. The original oedipal triangle enmeshes Saturn and Uranus in the triangular web with Gaia, the great mother Earth.
This myth reveals the structural human dynamic of rivalry and difference. This Saturn/Uranus instinctual and archetypal conflict between control and freedom, orthodoxy and innovation, conservation and liberation, obligations and options is inherent in all spheres of life. Whether racial, cultural, gender, generational, professional, political, social, economic or religious differences, the mythic conflict arises. When the disparity becomes extreme, the situation becomes volatile.
Gaia is one of the first five deities to emerge out of Chaos. As the temporal and grounding Earth, she gives birth to the Heavens, personified by Uranus, characterized as abstract, disembodied and perfectionistic. Saturn aligns with Gaia to overthrow Uranus. Saturn’s weapon is the sickle; his method is castration. As the myth tells us, the severed genitals impregnate the ocean, the medium through which Aphrodite/Venus emerges. This complex results in Venus’s appearance, the archetypal channel where mediation between Saturn and Uranus, responsibility and freedom, might be possible.
The myth, or at least this version of the myth, suggests Saturn and Uranus can come to some reconciliation through the Venusian way of mediation, relationship, compromise and choice. The Greeks saw the goddess as dual, aligning her with both heaven and earth in her epithets of Urania and Pandemos. Aphrodite’s earthy appellation of Pandemos suggests ‘for all people’. It is through the continuous suppression of and disengagement with Gaia that Ouranus is castrated by Cronus, which allows Aphrodite into the archetypal matrix.

Venus Pandemos (Charles Gleyre, 1854)
Therefore, by Saturn consciously acknowledging and aligning with Gaia and in confronting Uranus’s overwhelming abstract rationalizations, Venus comes to light. In context of the times, this conflict resonates with acknowledging, prioritizing and legislating climate change in the face of industrial protest, corporate justifications and governmental rationalizations. Also as Venus Pandemos surfaces, she mediates the prejudices, intolerances and disassociation on social, racial, gender and economic issues of inequality.
When we lose the right to be different, we lose the privilege to be free.
Charles Evans Hughes
to be continued..
Click this star to read part 2 →★