エロスのため息 ~恋の形而上学(1)
雨の日の金曜日の午後。 偶然カフェで再会した、アストロロジャー(ビータ)と生徒(シルビー)の対話。人は人を愛する時に、何を求めているのか。相手の中にある何を見ているのか。「プラトニック・ラブ」という言葉を生んだ15世紀のプラトン学者マルシリオ・フィチーノの思想と彼のチャートをもとに、2人は愛について語り合う。
ダービー・コステロ著 咲耶まゆみ訳
By Darby Costello Translated by Mayumi Sakuya
English text to follow.
1993年「Journal for Archetypal Psychology and the Arts London」 第6巻に掲載。
ビ:そうね。それができたら素敵ね。 でも何があったの。
シ:だって、恋という名の狂気に落ちて、抜け出して、地獄という名の失望に陥り続けるわけにはいかないもの。もう2度と魔法にかけられなくない。そんな感じがするから。何を望んでいるのか、何を望んでいないのかわからなくなっちゃったんです。あまりにも不幸になるし、何度も何度も苦しむのは、ものすごく無駄のように思える。他に望むことがあることに気が付き始めたんです。ただ、具体的にそれが何かは分からないけれど。平和とか。喜びとか。美しさとか。 毎回、夢と恋に落ちて、しばらく経つと、私の夢が悪夢に変わる。きっと何か大きなことを見つけ出さなければいけないんです。無意味で何の学びにもなっていないような、延々と続く、恍惚と拷問以上の何かを。 私は、愛したいし、愛されたい、と思います。 でも、もしこの混乱の中で、その「何か」を感じることができたら、それですら諦めてもいいと思うくらいなのに、見つからない。もしかしたら、先生が話してくださったこの秘密に隠れているのではないかしら? お話しいただけますか。
シ:プラトニック・ラブ。冗談でしょう? それって、セックスなしの恋愛のことですよね。失恋の解決案にそれを提案するなんて。理解できないわ。
シ:ええ、ぜひ。しかも、今日は金曜日。金曜日は、「ビーナスの日」ですもの。このカフェで座りながら、外の雨を眺めるのも楽しいわ。先生にお時間があれば。私は大丈夫。 私の占星学のスキルは若干落ちたかもしれないけど、是非、またアストロロジーの頭を働かせたいわ。先生が話して下さる、この人の話の中で、私の人生のこの時点において知るべき何かを教えて下さるような気がします。だから、是非聞かせてください。でも、まず始めに。この人は誰だったんですか?
ビ:彼の名前は、マルシリオ・フィッチーノ(1433年 – 1499年。イタリア・ルネサンス期の人文主義者、哲学者、神学者)。1433年にフィレンツェの近くで生まれたマルシリオは、コジモ・デ・メディチ(1389 – 1464年フィレンツェ共和国(イタリア)の銀行家)の主治医の息子だったの。マルシリオは、かなり若い時に、古代ギリシャの哲学者プラトンに出会った、聡明な青年だった。彼はまじめで、一生懸命で、ラテン語もギリシャ語の両言語とも堪能だったから、コジモにプラトンの作品全てのギリシャ語からラテン語への翻訳を任せられたの。フィッチーノに渡された書籍の中には、新プラトン主義(neoPlatonic)のものも多く入っていて、のちにその翻訳も手掛けたわ。彼も、父親と同じように、医者になったんだけど、アストロロジャーでもあったの。のちには、神父にもなり、ずっと哲学者であり続けた。沢山のプラトン主義(Platonic)と新プラトン主義(neoPlatonic)の翻訳の他に、解説や手紙も多数書いたわ。アストロロジーに情熱を注いでいたマルシリオは、カトリックに上手くなじめずに苦労したそうよ。実際のところ、矛盾と調和するために苦労をする人生だったようね:プラトン主義と新プラトン主義という思想とキリスト教。自然崇拝の多神教と、ユダヤ教・キリスト教の一神教。そして、彼自身は、猛烈にセクシャルでありながら、禁欲主義だった。
★ダービー・コステロ先生のセミナ-開催します。 詳細・お申込みは、こちら
Remembering Eros (1)
A Ficinian Response to Love in the Nineties: A Dialogue between an Astrologer and a Student
Originally Published in Sphinx, Journal for Archetypal Psychology and the Arts London, 1993, Volume 6
SYLVIE: Vita, hello! How unexpected to see you here in this café in the middle of a rainy Friday afternoon. I didn’t know you lived in this area. But I won’t intrude as I see you are working on something.
VITA: Not so much working as musing. Please sit down and join me for a coffee. How have you been? We last met at Erica’s dinner, I think. You were with that interesting Russian man.
S: Yes. I was. No longer, I might add. This business of falling in love. I wish I could stop it happening. I begin to think it is some kind of trick. I fear that there is something I must figure out or I’ll keep getting tricked forever. Somewhere I hear the gods laughing -it’s as if I keep missing the point; I don’t know the secret. If only I could find the secret of this trick I’m sure I would be able to laugh with them.
V: Yes, wouldn’t that be delicious! But what happened?
S: I seem to be caught in a loop and I have no idea how to break out. After the end of this last affair, in which I invested more of myself than even I imagined possible, I wanted to die. Day after day I thought of suicide, how I would do it, what it would mean to the various people I knew. For months I was numb with pain. I kept telling myself I was already dead, so what was the point of killing myself? There had to be another solution. Actually I remembered something you said once about the secret of love being only given to those who had faced death in some way. It keeps coming into my mind, so isn’t it a fine coincidence that I’ve met you here, and today?
V: It is. Tell me more about this feeling of death.
S: I don’t know quite what to say. I’m so numb. This seems to always happen after the end of my love affairs. I’ve come to recognize it. But this time it’s more profound, more prolonged. And I’ve resisted coming out of it because suddenly I found it had its own landscape – grey, dark, cold, but not featureless. I wouldn’t want to stay here forever, but I am still watching it, and I keep remembering what you said about the secret of love.
V: Ah, that secret!
S: Because I cannot go on falling into the madness called love and out of it into the hell called disillusionment. I do not want to be enchanted again, for that is what it feels like. I don’t know what I do want but I don’t want that. It makes me too unhappy and it seems a terrible waste to suffer it again and again. I’ve begun to realize there’s something else I want, only I don’t know exactly what it is. Peace. Joy. Beauty. Somehow. I seem to be falling in love with a dream each time and after a short while my dreams turn to nightmares. There must be something bigger to discover – there must be something more than this endless round of ecstasy and torment which seems to have no meaning and teaches me nothing. I want to love and to be loved, but I think I would even give that up now if I could find the ‘something’ I can sense in all this turmoil but cannot identify. Maybe it’s hidden in this secret you spoke of – can you tell me about it?
V: There is an old tradition -. Have you ever come across the concept of Platonic love?
S: Platonic love. You can’t be serious! That’s love without sex, and I can’t believe you are offering that as a solution to heartbreak! I don’t understand.
V: That’s because there’s rather more to it. You may be surprised when say that Platonic love, in fact, is erotic love.
S: I certainly am. I thought that Platonic love was sexless love and that erotic love was sexual love.
V: Yes that’s what I thought too for a long time, until I discovered the writings of the man who coined the phrase “Platonic love”. And then I found his astrological chart and worked on it with a friend, Angela Voss. She was writing her PhD on certain aspects of this man’s life and work. Working with his chart was very exciting. We began to see, as we explored it over the months, how he must have come to this sense of a love he called ‘Platonic’. We followed his experiences of life through his letters and writings. We correlated them with transiting planets as they moved through his birthchart and came to some interesting conclusions. In fact that’s what I was reflecting on when you came in. Several people have been speaking to me recently about their unhappiness in love. This man’s experience of love and its pain led him to a profound transformation. His coining of the term “Platonic love” was part of it. Shall I tell you his story?
S: Yes I’d like that. And, after all, today is Friday and Friday is “Venus Day”. And, it’s pleasant sitting here in this café looking out at the rain. If you have the time, I do. My astrology may be a bit rusty, but I’d love to get that part of my mind working again. And I have a feeling that in telling me about this man you’ll be telling me something I might need to know at this point in my life. So, do carry on. But start at the beginning. Who was he?
V: His name was Marsilio Ficino and he was born near Florence in 1433, the son of Cosimo de’ Medici’s physician. Marsilio was a clever young man who had discovered Plato quite young, and as he was serious and dedicated and fluent in both Latin and Greek, he was commissioned by Cosimo to translate all of Plato’s works from Greek into Latin. These books had just come into Cosimo’s hands along with many of the neoPlatonic texts which Ficino later translated as well. Ficino became a doctor, like his father. But he was also an astrologer, eventually a priest, and always a philosopher. Besides translating numerous Platonic and neoPlatonic texts, he wrote commentaries on them and a prolific quantity of letters. He was passionate about astrology which he struggled to fit into his Catholicism – in fact his life seems to have been a struggle to reconcile irreconcilables: Plato and neoPlatonic thought and Christianity; pagan polytheism and Judeo-Christian monotheism. And personally: his intensely sexual nature and celibacy.
S: He was intensely sexual?
V: That comes primarily from the information given by his astrological chart, supported by some of the things he wrote. Of course we could look at his chart from many points of view, but for our purpose here let’s concentrate on it from the point of view of his struggle with love and desire.
Here is a copy of his chart. We can see he took his passionate nature from his father’s side – he had Sun and Mercury in Scorpio, and Mars in Capricorn. From his mother’s side he had a strong instinct to repress his own natural desire for love and intimacy – his Moon was in Capricorn and Venus was in Virgo.
Continue to “Remembering Eros(2).
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