カイロンと癒しの旅 (1) Chiron and Healing Journey (1)
メラニー・ラインハート著 咲耶まゆみ訳
By Melanie Reinhart Translated by Mayumi Sakuya
English text to follow.
だからこそ癒しや覚醒の工程では「フリーサイズ」のアプローチは通用しないのだ。一つの手法、方法、流派、心理的、精神的なものが「全体的癒し」をもたらすことはない。また私たちが取り組む課題に対して一人のセラピストやヒーラーが「総合的打開策」を提供できることもない。カイロンは私たちの中にある英知に繋げる個人的な内面の糸、あるいは「一つの道(One Way)」を象徴する。これによって私たちが必要なものを見つけ、持っている物で取り組み、プロセスを信頼し、必要になった時に前に進むことができる。癒しは至るところにあり、謙虚に頼めば必ず癒しは起こる。しかしそれは後知恵でしか気づけないやり方でやってくることもある。そのプロセスは私たちの制御と理解の限られた力以上に深いところまで行く場合もある。このプロセスの中には特別な的確さがあり、天空の中の動きと魂の中の動きがいかにつながっているかを示すことがよくある。後続のカイロントランジットの間、前の内容を体験することがある。同じ心理的成分が別の形で集結されるが、同じ意味をもつ。これは機械的に繰り返される工程ではなく、魂の英知の顕現であり、理解を得るまで同じ「教訓」を再循環する。その理解は魂が差し出し、また私たちが先に進むために魂が必要とするものだ。
カイロンと癒しの旅 (2) はこちら → ★
「メラニー・ラインハート先生の「The Chiron and Healing Journey」は、先生のウェブサイト(→こちら★) で販売しています。」
Chiron and Healing Journey (1)
The Chiron-Chiron Cycle
Because Chiron’s orbit is very elliptical, it spends much longer in some signs than others – seven or eight years in Pisces and Aries, and only two or less in Virgo and Libra. Hence, the first square of Chiron to its own natal place may occur anywhere between the age of about five (Chiron in Leo, Virgo, Libra), and about twenty-three (Chiron in Aquarius, Pisces, Aries). Thus, the cycle cannot be conveniently divided into approximately equal quarters like the Saturn cycle, although the Chiron Return is always within the year after we turn fifty.
If you study your past Chiron transits, you will see that they often correspond to major turning points, crises, events or life experiences which may have significantly influenced the course of your life. Issues left unresolved, and hopes once abandoned, may reappear at the next turn of the spiral, perhaps allowing their integration in a new form; old wounds may open up and seek healing; unfinished business from the past may appear, bringing opportunities for resolution through forgiveness, action or understanding. The Chiron-Chiron cycle is one of awakening, rebalancing, and periods of intensification. In this process, we experience whatever is needed to facilitate this awakening, ranging from the sweet and gentle to the disruptive and shocking. The process of healing may take us through many different kinds of terrain as we learn to make true contact with our experience rather than ‘suffering over our suffering’.
The Chiron-Chiron cycle may bring new awareness of deeper spiritual realities, accompanied by intensive reorientation as the new understanding is gradually integrated. Our world, and our sense of who we are in it is changed; sometimes it is easy to embrace this, and sometimes it is not. The soul has its own timing and wisdom, which is why a ‘one size fits all’ approach does not work for the journey of healing or awakening. There is no one method, approach or school, psychological or spiritual, which can offer the ‘Total Healing’, and neither can any one therapist or healer provide the ‘Total Solution’ to the issues we are working with. Chiron symbolizes our personal inner thread, or ‘One Way’, which connects us to the wisdom within ourselves. This enables us to find what we need, work with what we have, trust the process, and move on when we need to. Healing is everywhere and, if humbly requested, will definitely occur, although it may come in ways we only recognize with the wisdom of hindsight. The process may go deeper than our limited capacity to control and understand it. There is often an extraordinary precision in this process, demonstrating just how connected are the movements within the soul to the movements within the heavens. During subsequent Chiron transits, the content of earlier ones may be experienced; the same psychological ingredients will constellate in a different form, but carrying the same meaning. This is not a mechanical repetition process, but a manifestation of the wisdom of the soul, which will recycle the same ‘lesson’ until we have gained the understanding which it is offering and which our soul needs in order that we can move on.
Although early experiences do influence our subsequent behaviour and character, in astrological terms we enter this incarnation predisposed to certain kinds of experiences, as reflected in the horoscope, which in turn provide the raw material for our spiritual awakening. In this sense, the horoscope reflects not so much who we are, but rather shows what we have come here to work with, and the kind of experiences we encounter on our journey through life, which contribute to our inwardly finding out who we are. Our afflictions may with hindsight seem tailored very precisely to cultivate in us the wisdom that can only be anchored through personal experience. While at a certain stage of our journey, we tend to ‘identify with’ our horoscope and what it reveals, eventually it becomes more important to include and embrace these insights in an open-ended way which supports a process of releasing our grip on our limited definitions of self, astrological or otherwise.
The first Chiron-Chiron square often brings experiences that are like ‘markers’ in our life, where the needs of our own soul take precedence over the Saturnian sequence of socialization and education. Something may occur which temporarily removes us from our familiar world. For example, we have a traumatic experience, we become ill, we have a transpersonal remembering of ‘where we came from’, we encounter someone or something which influences the course of our life, we suddenly know what we want to do ‘when we grow up’. Whether the experience is judged as positive or negative is perhaps not as important as sensing the ‘current of destiny’ which runs through it. For example, at his first Chiron-Chiron square, a young man with Chiron in Sagittarius ended up in a body cast after a serious accident. Although he made good recovery, he was left with a residual sense of physical frailty. However, during his recuperation, he spent a lot of time reading material far wider than the school syllabus he would otherwise have been immersed in. He developed a passion for metaphysics and philosophy which accompanied him throughout his life.
As this example illustrates, when the first Chiron-Chiron square occurs early in life, particularly if it is before the first Saturn- Saturn square, it may be marked by trauma or unhappiness within the family setting, and the resulting acceleration of psychological growth may sometimes be stabilized or contained through physical illnesses such as the ‘childhood diseases’ that were common before mass vaccination. Early experiences, positive or negative, may lie dormant and then surface at a later point in the Chiron cycle, or during an outer planet transit to a key part of the Chiron configuration.
The first Chiron-Chiron opposition may intimate something about the purpose and meaning of a person’s life, and for some people this is a period of sickness or a crisis of reorientation, where we revisit, knowingly or otherwise, the experiences of the first square. As the opposition is an aspect which often refers to relationship issues, this aspect may accompany experiences of feeling wounded by others, like parents, siblings, school teachers and other authority figures. However, it is also a time when a mentor or spiritual guide may appear, and as we are very open during this period, the influence of this person may be profound. These relationships, whether with a healer, therapist, priest or teacher, often have a feeling of familiarity about them, as if we have known the person before. Indeed, we may have. The feeling of a ‘karmic ripening’ often accompanies these kinds of contacts, which can indeed influence the course of our life. Also, it is useful remember that we may stand to learn the most from the people in our life who we find the most ‘difficult’! Our teachers come in many guises.
Both the opposition and the second square may bring periods of healing. Additionally, a reconnection with sexuality and the life of the senses frequently accompanies Chiron transits, which offer an opportunity to rebalance the ‘upper’ and ‘lower’ parts of our nature, and thus to mitigate any one-sidedness which may have developed. The keynote of an astrological opposition is ‘awareness’, and this period of time often means a deepening connection with an inner source of knowledge and insight.
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