Academy of Astrology Japan

カイロンと癒しの旅 (3) Chiron and Healing Journey (3)

メラニー・ラインハート著  咲耶まゆみ
By Melanie Reinhart   Translated by Mayumi Sakuya

English text to follow.

カイロンと癒しの旅 (2) はこちら → 




















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Chiron and Healing Journey (3)

by Melanie Reinhart

Click here for the “Chiron and Healing Journey (2)” → 


Gestation and Rebirth

The period around the Chiron Return is like a ‘rebirth’. Beforehand, during the period leading up to the first exact conjunction of transiting Chiron to its natal place, it can happen that the realm of our intra-uterine experience opens to our awareness. While we are in the womb, our body is being formed from the substance of the DNA of both parents, and our genetic legacy or ancestral karma is given to us. Also during this period, the spiritual energies which are to focalize our individual destiny are very active, contributing to the formation of our subtle bodies as well as our physical form. Imprints from the ancestral soul-body, as well as from other dimensions, influence us deeply during our sojourn inside our mother’s body.

These prenatal experiences sometimes become activated during the prelude to the Chiron Return. This area is well outside the considerations of mainstream psychology (and astrology), although there is currently occurring a gradual increase of awareness and acceptance about the significance of the birth experience. As mentioned in Chapter 2, ‘ontogeny recreates phylogeny’, and so it is that the transformational possibilities of the Chiron Return are literally given substance, as our consciousness permeates ever more deeply into even the cellular level of our embodied experience. In this way, our spiritual life becomes more deeply anchored. Our consciousness passes through the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms, onwards into the very cellular structure of matter, connecting with the vibration of the universal energy which permeates all these levels. Further, during this recapitulation of our prenatal existence, very profound healing is possible. Inherited physical weaknesses or disease tendencies may begin to show around this time, and with our body being thus opened to an influx of energy from spiritual sources, they can sometimes be completely healed, depending on the needs of our particular life journey. Also, the bizarre nature of some of the sensory and physical experiences which may arise at this time may mean that we tend to ‘pathologize’ what is happening, label it and try to medicate it away.



Many ‘symptoms’ associated with the menopause can be seen in this light. If we understand how to gently bear with whatever we are experiencing, it may not escalate through fear into a ‘recognized illness’. The movement of energy and the opening of spaciousness that arises when a past pattern is detected and thus disarmed is indeed a kairos moment, a time of opportunity and release.

Another mysterious factor is this: in the process of enquiring into an experience of suffering, if we correctly ‘place’ the experience, it dissolves, often very quickly. The energy is released and we move on. In this context, if indeed we are contacting aspects of our own prenatal existence, understanding that this is so may be enough. We must also be wise about this process, and seek medical advice where appropriate. However, I have known a number of women who passed through the rite of passage of menopause without any of the ‘usual symptoms’. Their understanding of this process seemed to provide enough context to support them in allowing their experience to unfold. A willingness to trust the physical process lays a firm foundation for the extension of our consciousness into more subtle realms; we simply feel that we are ‘coming home to ourselves’.

During the months before the Chiron Return, many people feel a deep connection with their ancestors, perhaps for the first time. Through dreams, synchronicities, reveries, or researching genealogical information, we may be blessed at this time with a deeper understanding of our relationship with our ‘ancestral karma’. We may feel called to discover these roots more deeply, or to engage in specific healing work such as shamanic journeying, or prayer, for any unresolved suffering that we become aware of. This deep and inward connection with our roots is an important counterpart of the rite of passage which occurs around the Chiron Return. In order to find our next step, we dis-invest energy from the external world and honour instead our inner roots, which include this precious connection with the ancestors, and their gift to us of the very vehicle of our incarnation.



While the Chiron Return is occurring, especially when the conjunction is exact, the archetype of ‘rebirth’ is activated, and this can be more literal than one expects. It can be useful to find out about the circumstances surrounding your birth which is, after all, the nature of your arrival into your earthly life, and how this was greeted. We forget, too, that the horoscope itself is in fact the ‘birth chart’, the seed moment of our beginnings! If you do not know about this, and it is relevant to your journey, you will likely be prompted to find out at this time. If your mother and older family members are still alive, talk to them now about your birth, before it is too late. Take into account the emotional context too, and engage in some contemplative enquiry about what you find. For example, imagine how it might have felt to arrive into a situation where everyone is panic-stricken or arguing? Or where, against all the odds, your arrival was greeted with joy and love? You can consider the entire horoscope as reflecting the situation of your arrival, although this is often specifically symbolised by the Ascendant. Notice how your Chiron configuration fits in with this. Ask yourself what you have come here to work with, to heal, and understand.

Your life experiences during the Chiron Return may offer a great deal of subtle information as to the nature of your own birth experience, and approaching them in this light can bring a deep feeling of renewal and healing. In effect, we are midwives to our own rebirth at this time. An example will make this clear. One woman’s birth started very quickly, moved along powerfully, and then she got stuck as her mother’s cervix did not open widely enough for a long time. During her Chiron Return, this woman was confronted with several situations which she entered with a great rush of energy and enthusiasm, only to find herself blocked by circumstance, or even another person clearly representing the ‘bad mother’! Once she had realized the link with her birth, she was able both to direct healing to the pattern itself, and also to modulate her energy more deliberately. In this case, the timing of the transits provided to be crucially important information to assist this rite of passage.



Similarly, after the Chiron Return, this delicate process of recapitulation continues, as Chiron will  follow the same sequence of transits as it did at the beginning of our life. In other words, after the Chiron Return, we enter a period where any Chiron transit that occurs will have happened before, about 50 years previously! We may have inner access, perhaps for the very first time, to our own felt experience as rooted in the pre-cognitive years. During these early years, before we are walking and talking, our experience of ourselves and the world is direct and unmediated by concept and language, being rooted in feelings and senses. It is partly for this reason that we do not remember these years, as the veil is drawn over them by the time we reach the first Saturn square at approximately age seven. By this time, we are being progressively socialized, learning to think in a way which excludes these experiences. The first few years after the Chiron Return represent a very powerful rite of passage for both men and women. During this period, we are literally ‘re-parenting’ ourselves. Even people who have been in therapy, or enquired deeply into their experience can be surprised by the immediacy and power of the experiences which surface in the two or three years after the Chiron Return.



Click here for details of Melanie Reinhart‘s books “The Chiron and Healing Journey”. → 





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