認知症のアストロロジー(1) The Astrology of Dementia (1)
スー・トンプキンズ著 咲耶まゆみ訳
By Sue Tompkins Translated by Mayumi Sakuya
English text to follow.
太陽と金星、そして程度の差はあるが、ASC(アセンダント)と月が牡牛座か天秤座にある場合。患者の50%以上が牡牛座にパーソナル天体をひとつかASC を持ち、三分の一は同サインに少なくとも2つのパーソナル天体をもつ。ほぼ同じ数字が天秤座にも該当する。この金星の要素がもたらす身体的な原因は、高血糖値とアルツハイマー病との関係にあるかもしれない。金星は、甘くて糖分の多いもの全てに関連している上に、金星的な人は甘党が多い。さらに月タイプの人同様、「やけ食い」する傾向がある。
- 海王星が強く強調されている場合。例えば、太陽、月、ASCとコンジャンクションの場合。あるいはTスクエアのようなハードアスペクトに海王星がある場合、特にそれに太陽、月、水星が入っている場合。私が認知症の考察を始めた当初は、これだけ認知症が拡がったのは、単純に人々は前世代よりも飲酒が増えたからだと思っていた。なぜなら、近年お酒はあまりにも安価になったため、手に入りやすくなったからだ。しかし、海王星で喪失や混乱を想定するが、全く飲酒をしない人にもこの状態が見られる。魚座が強調されていたり、12室に天体が集中している場合も、「海王星的状態」に関係することもある。
- 蠍座太陽・ASC(アセンダント)、あるいはASCか太陽と冥王星のハードアスペクトも患者のチャートによく見られる。これは人生の未解決課題が原因である、まだ自覚していない内面のストレスに関連していると私はみている。例えば、「どうしても許せない」事柄のように。アルツハイマー病患者の故マーガレット・サッチャー(2013年4月に逝去した元英国首相)は、保守党の同僚に英国首相の座を追われた。サッチャーは「この裏切り行為を絶対に忘れない」と言い残して英国首相官邸を去った。こんなことを記憶に留めておくのはあまりにも辛かったのではないか、と思うのは突飛な考えだろうか?認知症患者に多い蟹座と蠍座の両サインとも感情を手放すよりも、しがみついて離さないという心理的な特徴を持つ。私が鑑定したアルツハイマーの問題を抱える患者はわずか数名だが、彼ら全員共通して「裏切られた」という認識を持っていた。前述したとおり、疑惑にも関係することが多い。
- 土星がASCとコンジャンクトしているか、あるいは牡羊座にある場合もよくあったし、納得もできる。土星は縮小と関連しているし、牡羊座は脳と関連しているからだ。牡羊座で難しいアスペクトを形成する太陽、火星、土星(と時に他の天体)は全て発作、頭の怪我による認知症を引き起す脳の損傷の潜在的可能性を示す。ASCと第一ハウスは常に身体と関係し、メディカル・アストロロジーでは牡羊座も同じような働きがある。
- 海王星のトランジットやディレクションは親類を示す。例えば、親が認知症になるとき、トランジットの海王星は、(その人のチャートの)ICとコンジャンクトしている場合が多い。あるいは、太陽、月、MCなど、その親に該当する天体にコンジャンクトする場合もある。アスペクトは「ハード」である時があるが、最も多いのはコンジャンクション。その人は親を「失う」ことになるので、これは意外ではない。そして親自身も、戸惑い、混乱し、現実を見失うようになる。
The Astrology of Dementia (1)
By Sue Tompkins
The advent of Pluto in Capricorn has brought greater awareness of the darker side of what old age can bring. At least this is the case in the West and has been partly prompted by an epidemic of people suffering with dementia. According to the Alzheimer’s Research Trust*1 somewhere between 3/4 and 1 million people in the UK live with dementia and at least 60,000 deaths per year in the UK are directly attributable to it. In the US, the figure is over 5 million and worldwide, the estimated number of sufferers is 35 million. Every person with dementia will need another person (several part-time persons in fact) to look after them.
It has been estimated that dementia care costs the a modern state more than all heart disease, strokes and cancer combined. The emotional cost of dementia can be devastating but the monetary burden is also huge both for the family and for the State.
Virtually everyone will have their lives touched by dementia at some stage.
The term ‘dementia’ is an umbrella term used to describe a set of symptoms caused by brain damage, brought on by a variety of diseases or accident. The majority of sufferers are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or Vascular dementia or, with a combination of the two but there are less common forms and various diseases such as Parkinson’s and Huntingdon’s can progress into dementia.
The Pluto in Capricorn square Uranus and the havoc it is wreaking, amongst other things, may be saying that speed, and the speed of technological change in particular, (Uranus in Aries) and old age (Capricorn) don’t go well together.
Whatever the cause, dementia is principally a disorder of old age; 90% of cases are people aged over 65 and the risk of it developing, doubles every 5 years after the age of 65.
It seems to me that what is happening is that people are being affected about ten years earlier than in previous generations. A significant number (around 5%) of sufferers have ‘early onset’ (pre-65) dementia – this amounts to an estimated 16,000 people in the UK and somewhere between 200,000 and 400,000 in the States.
There has been some discussion amongst researchers and others – particularly when dementia occurs in extreme old age and where it is less advanced – as to whether Alzheimer’s is really a ‘disease’ at all or just the result of ’normal’ changes that occur in the brain with age. If this is the case, then perhaps astrologers like myself, should be more interested in the horoscopes of those individuals who live into extreme old age and don’t suffer from dementia.
Be that as it may, my own perhaps limited experience, suggests that some chart factors are much more prone than others, especially in those who succumb to dementia in their 60’s and early 70’s.
Of the 50+ charts I have for dementia sufferers the astrological significators I have frequently noticed include:
Sun, Venus and to a lesser extent, the ASC and Moon in either Taurus or Libra. More than 50% have either a personal planet or the ASC in Taurus and just under 1/3 have at least two personal planets in the sign. Pretty much the same figures apply to Libra. The main physical reason for this Venusian factor could be the link between high blood sugar and Alzheimer’s disease. Venus is the planet to associate with all things sweet and sugary and the Venusian person often has a sweet tooth and, in common with lunar types, may be prone to ‘comfort eating’.
Seemingly, the concentration of insulin in the brain is much lower in people with Alzheimer’s (creating high blood sugar), so much so, that the disease has even been called Type 3 diabetes*4. Apparently, insulin is produced in the brain as well as in the pancreas. This high blood sugar/low insulin situation causes degeneration of brain cells.
One sugary culprit in particular, associated by some researchers with obesity and a range of other diseases including Alzheimer’s, is thought to be fructose. Especially fructose made from corn syrup which is added to a whole range of processed foods. Chemically different from sugar it also lacks the antioxidants and Vitamin C of ordinary fruit sugar. Stress (physical or emotional), increased alcohol or sugar/carbohydrate consumption all increase the stress hormone cortisol at the expense of other hormones such as insulin which controls blood sugar. Venusian types may not only have a sweet tooth but probably cope less well with stress too, seeking to avoid rather than manage it.
- A strong Neptunian emphasis…e.g. Sun, Moon or ASC conjunct Neptune or ‘hard’ aspect patterns such as T squares involving Neptune, especially if the Sun, Moon or Mercury are involved. Early in my thinking concerning dementia I suspected that it had reached epidemic proportions simply because people routinely and regularly drink more alcohol than previous generations. Possibly because alcohol is so cheaply and readily available nowadays. However, the Neptune link, which is to be expected in a condition characterised by loss and confusion, can also be found in teetotallers. An emphasis on Pisces and/or a strongly tenanted 12th house can also contribute to a Neptunian picture.
A strong Lunar or Cancerian theme as shown in the chart for the British novellist Iris Murdoch. Dementia catapults sufferers back into their infancy and all the dependency upon family or other caretakers that that implies. And with loss of memory being a major factor one might expect sufferers to have the Moon or the sign Cancer (both significators for memory) to be prominently placed in sufferers charts.
- Scorpio Sun or Scorpio ASC or strong usually ‘hard’ Pluto aspects to ASC or Sun also commonly occur in patients’ charts. My suspicion here relates to the kind of internal unacknowledged stress caused by unresolved life issues. Things that a given individual ‘just cannot forgive,’ for example. When Alzheimer’s sufferer, Margaret Thatcher left office as the UK prime minister, she did so because she was ousted by her conservative colleagues. As she was leaving 10 Downing Street she said she would never forget this act of betrayal. Is it too fanciful to speculate that this was just too painful for her to remember? Two signs that are common to dementia sufferers, Cancer and Scorpio, share the psychological traits of holding onto feelings rather than letting go of them. I have had only a few patients with Alzheimer’s type problems but a feature they have all shared is a perception that they have been betrayed. And as noted before, suspicion is often part of the territory too.
- Saturn conjunct the Asc or prominent in Aries I have also frequently seen and this makes sense given that Saturn is the planet to associate with shrinkage and Aries with the brain. *5 The Sun, Mars, Saturn (and sometimes other planets) in Aries in difficult aspect, can all be associated with the potential for strokes and head injuries and the resultant brain damage that causes dementia. The Asc and first house, always associated with the physical body can also operate similarly to Aries in medical astrology terms.
- Appropriate Neptunian transits/directions for relatives. For example, when a parent develops dementia, transiting Neptune is often conjunct the IC. Alternatively, Neptune may conjunct Sun, Moon, MC or whichever significators of the given parent apply. Sometimes the aspect is a ‘hard’ one but the conjunction is very common. Not surprising as the individual is ‘losing’ a parent. The parent themselves are becoming lost, confused and losing their grip on reality.
Continue to “The Astrology of Dementia (2)”
*1 All facts and figures are taken from The Alzheimer’s Research Trust, the Alzheimer’s Association and the Alzheimer’s Reading Room.
*2 Alois Alzheimer: Born: 14 June 1864, 4am LMT, Marktbreit, Germany. Died: 19 December 1915
*3 www.psychologytoday.com/evolutionary psychiatry/alzheimers-and-high-blood-sugar
*4 As above and www.diabetesincontrol.com
*5 Note though that the cerebellum at the base of the brain which has a role in motor-control, co-ordination and language, is ruled by Taurus according to H.L Cornell’s ‘Encyclopaedia of Medical Astrology’ and substantiated by personal experience.
★Click here for details of Sue Tompkins‘ books and smartphone seminar.
- 天体とサイン-水星 牡羊座
- 天体とサイン-水星 牡牛座
- 天体とサイン-水星 双子座
- 天体とサイン 水星 蟹座
- 天体とサイン 水星 乙女座
- 天体とサイン 獅子座の水星♌☿
- 天体とサイン-水星 天秤座
- 天体とサイン-水星 蠍座
- 天体とサイン-水星 射手座
- 天体とサイン-水星 山羊座
- 天体とサイン-水星 水瓶座
- 天体とサイン-水星 魚座
- 天体とサイン-金星 牡羊座
- 天体とサイン-金星 牡牛座
- 天体とサイン-金星 双子座
- 天体とサイン-金星 蟹座
- 天体とサイン-金星 獅子座
- 天体とサイン-金星 乙女座
- 天体とサイン-金星 蠍座
- 天体とサイン-金星 天秤座
- 天体とサイン-金星 射手座
- 天体とサイン-金星 水瓶座
- 天体とサイン-金星 山羊座
- 天体とサイン-金星 魚座
- 認知症のアストロロジー(1) The Astrology of Dementia(1)
- 認知症のアストロロジー(2) The Astrology of Dementia(2)
- 「アスペクツ・イン・アストロロジー Part One: アスペクト解釈の原則 1.天体」より